Sunday, June 5, 2011

Just Starting

Day 1

Almost killed me.
We started in the backyard and I carried a canoe while Andy carried the second canoe and that part was not too bad.

We started in the little creek right at the bottom of the spillway that forms the lake behind our home, called Cisero Creek. It turn out OK with only 2 carries around logs that fell across the creek and blocked the river. Dianne watched out for camnpsites all the way down to make sure that the river was not flood over the banks. She was greatly relieved to see that there we plenty of spots and it would appear that floods are all down river from us. So camping will not be a problem until we reach at least the Ohio river from the looks of things.

Once on the White River we made better time with a good current and no need to get out of the canoe. This was a good thing for Andy as appearently he can not balance on a log and fell into the creek at the fist lift. Dianne had a problem holding the paddle and she dropped it into the river twice during the day. But most importantly we did not tip over either time although we came close each time. Stopped at 86th ST for lunch at UNO and that was great.

Around mile 15 we entered the deep part of the rive and the motor boats started up. That shook the canoe a lot and required me to kneel all the time not a good for such a long day. My legs were sore and my arm were burning and I just wanted to stop. We reached Broadripple Park around 3:30 and the temperature was over 100F. Andy and I walked back to his home and drove the car back. This is the part that nearly killed me all the heat and no water.

Dinner at an Indian food restaurant and then a game with Andy and Angel and off to bed.

I must say I am happy to start the trip today and glad after all the planning we are underway.

9 turtles
1 deer
10 fishermen (1 fishergirl) (2 catching fish)
3 Kyats in the river
5 on shore
6 canoes on shore
1 other canoe trip with one canoe towing a tube
5 rude motorboat drivers
5 nice boats that slowed for us
1 great day (although too hot)

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