Sunday, June 26, 2011

Posted from Harrahs June 26

Day 21

Got up early at the River Rose Inn and had enough time before breakfast to have a shower and pack the clothes pack up. Checking everything twice to make sure nothing was left behind (something David should learn to do). Then had a wonderful breakfast prepared by Sue the Innkeeper and Owner with lots of coffee and stuffed french toast. During breakfast met Mike who was on a road trip vacation with his wife and had a nice visit with him. He was properly trained as all his wife had to do was test down was the coffee good and off he went to give her a cup (just like I would do). Both Mike and Sue saw us off and we make great tirme as the wind was down this morning.

After about 3 miles the river bent pretty strongly to the south and decided to cut the corner. This was a trap set up the by buzzard and carp. As soon as I was across the wind picked up and we were working our butts off to make some headway. A 2 mile ng island came along and hid behind it for a the distance then at the end of it we crossed back over to the IL side of the river to the small town of Golconda. Of course just about half away across we see a full barg barrow out other bend above us about a mile away. With the wind in out face we worked hard and fast to get out of the way of the barge and made it with a quarter mile to spare. But I do not like being that close to something that big.

We asked a passing speed boat where lunch could be bought he directed us to the main street just over the levee. Finding some local we asked the best spot for lunch and they agreed the Riverport Restaurant and Cafe. Their specil was catfish having had good catfish twice yesterday at the Elizabethtown Restaurant I could do it a third time but the hamburger was great. Golconda was once a busy port town and had one of the first ferries across the river. The town was founded by a woman which run the ferry with help from her color woman companion. So for one years the town was known as Sarahville. For some reason they changed the name to Golconda, personally I prefer Sarahville myself.

On the equipment repair list today have to add the canteen as the screw cap top broke completely off. I fixed it with duct tape so all equipment is still working.

5 carp no hits though
9 herons
1 refrigerator
2 55 gallon blue barrels
1 picnic shelter with the roof removed by the floods
1 barge going down river
3 barges going up river
1 run away red buoys
2 run away green buoys
4 speed boats
2 bass boats
3 john boats
5 deer
Love and kisses to all

Day 22

Woke to thunder and light showers this mornings. They were light enough that we decided to get moving quickly and packed up mostly dry. Just the tarp and the tent were damp and they have dried this afternoon.

After leaving the campsite we paddled in calm water with lots of rain. Thunder all morning till around 11 AM almost continuous rain. I thinking the 5 minutes I spend putting on sun screen was wasted pretty much as well as the sunscreen.

We paddled about 10 miles and reached the Smithville Lock and dam. They had two barges in front of us so we had to wait for almost an 1 hour in the rain. When we finally did get to lock though we were surprised to have a large pleasure craft come though too. There was plenty of space as the lock was more than 1200 ft long and 200 ft wide. Di had a blast talking to the lock master on the radio and he friendly enough the whole time.

Once on the down stream side the water level has changed relative to the bank. The water is much higher below that lock and campsites are therefore much harder to find. We pasted 3 islands which usually are good bets but were completely submerged. The willows around them are under water with only the tops showing. So we had to cut a campsite today. By that I mean work through some willows to muddy shore then move some debris and clear a small spot up high on the bank. I am not happy about this the mud is sticking to everything, I know I complain about sand too but I think I prefer sand.

The high water also has meant that many fishing nets have been lost and they are wrapped around the trees above our heads in several places.

Thought about the gods playing bumper cars and the losers crying causing all the darn rain for the day.

1 deer
8 white egrets
5 blue herons
2 bald eagles
5 barges 4 going down stream (saw more after camping)
3 jumping carp (one big one just missed Dianne jumping over lap leaving a trail of water)

Love to all and to all good night
Well and tried and there is no swimming to night as the shore is too muddy and pluged up with stuff.

Day 23
Room 426 Harrahs in Metropolis IL
Ok God please stop the rain in the morning! Just for the record God I did not find it funny when you washed out the fire and stopped breakfast.

For the mortals out there who do not know what the almighty did this morning this is what happened. We woke as normal about 2 in the morning when the thunder started and sealed the doors on the tent. Then the rain started about half hour later with very strong winds. When 6 rolled around still rain then 6:30 we had a break, (god sucking us out of the tent). Then I started the fire to cook breakfast, first boil water for coffee and to hydrate the vegetables for the eggs and potatoes. I got the coffee started helped Dianne with the tent. Then just when the tent was down and packed god started it raining and blowing. I managed to get the coffee hot into cups turned around to start the potatoes and my fire was gone. I do not mean out but a river was running though it, it was missing altogether. So we sat down and ate some granola bars and trail mix. This was the worse moment in my camping life I have always been able to get hot food from somewhere!

Then we paddled though the Paducah harbor as soon as we got started in some light rain. It was very busy place lots of little and big tows running back and forth dropping a barge here building one there. We must of paddled past at least 100 barges tied to the shore. Di tried to talk to the boats and tell them where we were but no answer. Finally at one point she spoke to a little working tow boat with no response. A minute latter as we a approach the big tow boat the small tow radioed, “There is a canoe with a little girl in just passing you now”. The large tow says back,”Yea I see them”.

Next comes lock and dam 52. Must be like Area 52. About a mile out Di call the lock and dam that we are coming downstream and would like to lock though just as directed to do so on the map. A voice comes back, “Ma'am the dam is down and you can just paddle right on through.” I do not like paddling over dams but this time we could see nothing but a few pillars sticking up. So am not sure if the lock and dam is gone or just under water due to the flooding.

Next came Fort Massac on the Ohio. It was rebuild in 1802 under orders from Washington for protection of the Ohio. It was originally a Spanish foot around the 1600s, taken over by the French and used to keep those rotten British out of the Mississippi Valley. Then after the French Indian Wars became British, later to become a USA fort after independence.

Then onto Metropolis the home of Superman and Harrah Casino with a hotel. We stopped at the hotel next door but it was closed out due to the floods earlier this year. We then tried the Casino and they were open and when asked what the rate that was only $59 it was a no-brainer we stayed. Washed up and had dinner at the buffet and then off to see superman. We stopped at the front desk for directions and the clerk that checked us in did not recognize us all cleaned up. A few picture of superman and finish the blog and off bed in real bed that does not require me to crawl though any mud a good deal.

20 Buzzards (must of thought we would drown going over the dam no dam)
3 blue herons
1 huge thunderstorm
1 good attempt at a thunderstorm
2 hungry campers at a buffet
2 bridges
1 train
4 empty two boats running around
1 harbor taxi
3 running barges (two up one down)

Love to all and good night


  1. Great to see that you're moving right along! Terri and I have finished a wonderful vacation in Nashville and are back home. It was inspiring to meet the two of you and I wish you the best. I'll keep checking in on your progress.

  2. Oops-- forgot to add that you two are the subject of one of my blog posts. See it here:
