Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Posted from Spencer Library

Day 2
Camping at:
W 86.22138

Man another hard day of paddling and portaging (that is stopping and carrying everything) around dams. Damn do I hate Dams. I am not sure how much weight we have in gears but I doubt it is less than 500 lb and I have carry just over half that.

Had breakfast with Andy and Angel today at morning Momma and it was great. Then off to the start point where we cheated by skipping the carry for the dam that was just below where we stopped yesterday. Oh well not everything has to be the gold standard the little lift helped I do not think I could have done 4 lifts today. The good news is was not stifling hot today cloudy most of the days and a few light showers keep it cooler. We skipped lunch as we ate so well at breakfast besides I need to loss a few pounds.

Found a campsite about half a mile past the last lift on loose stones not the most comfortable to sit on and write but a campsite. This means we are still just inside the boundaries of Indianapolis. I find it strange to be on a wilderness trip and be so close to stuff. We can hear I465 and some airport noise but I expect with how tried I am it will not stop me from sleeping well, Just as soup was ready a group of 4 ATV came bombing though the campsite and hope they do not come back tonight. It has gotten very warm this evening with the sun coming out as skies cleared just after I pitched the tarp. I can say I am sorry I pitched the tarp even though it is not raining as the shade is much cooler than the sunshine.

I plan to leave the fire smoking slowly along tonight as it will help keep the animals out of the campsite. The food packs are too heavy to hang and I am too tried to try (besides there are no big trees close by.

Well that was my day and I am planning on going swimming tonight to cool off a little.
So good night, play safe and do not let the air conditioner shut off.

Counts of Weird Stuff
2 Plastic toy trucks in the river
1 real truck just about buried in mud
22 people fishing (one saw one small one caught)
1 Paddle boat washed down the river
4 moving water crafts (all polite)
3 canoes on shoar
5 Kayats (seems to be more popular these days)
Yesterday missed stuff
2 large dolphins yard ornaments

Good night to all

Day 3
W 86.30

Today I was lazy going down some was water close to a snag. The snag caught on my roght side and lifted me out of the canoe. The canoe went far enough over to take a lot of water and started to swamp. Then the packs floated out and so did Dianne. I griped what I could and tried slowly drifted to shore. So now Andy you can laugh at me for taking everything into the drink. Nothing was lost or too wet. We dried the tent an trap at a lunch stop and had some water in one of food packs that we dried tonight and lost no food. So I guess my complaint for today is I almost drowned.

The rest of the day was much calmer covering a total distance of 17 miles according to the maps. Dinner was beef stew not too bad should have cooked it with more water.

A guy from Winding River Farms stopped by just after dinner while I was just hanging out in my tights. He was really friendly and gave us some advise on stuff to see from here to the dam coming up.

I is another hot day so I am cutting the writing short again.

4 turtles
2 toads
1 really wet canoe
1 bald eagle
1 (me) maybe two really tired campers

Good to all and love and Kisses

Day 4


Well today I will wine about the heat. It is hot. I have decided to wine about something ever day so if you plan to read this blog I be forewarned.

Got off to a good start this morning so it was cool all morning which was a good plan as it heated up pretty fast. At 11:30 reached the carry for the day and finished up just before lunch ao we stopped and went for a swim to cool off as much as possible. It was nice to get cooled off after all that work. We swam in underwear. Di decided to stay skimpy till after lunch. He plan worked well until two fishermen came down and she jumped for her clothes. They were good about and gave her a chance to finish dressing before coming all the way down to the river. I saw them lose one fish to a stump tanngle with their line.

This afternoon we paddled through a new cut in for the river and it full of a lot of tangles and deadheads. Dianne said I did a good job staying in the canoe, so it was a big improvement over yesterday. I will try not tto repeat that experience again.

Dinner was lentil stew it was better than the beef stuw last night but not up to my normal standards for camping meals. I cut the recipe in half a but it was still way too much food so for the second day in a row we burnt leftovers. This is not supposed to be done in the boundary waters but we are not ther and as I keep the fire hot enough it is all gone after 2 minutes.

3 bald eagles
2 spots where old cars were used to stabilize the bank
3 sunken motor boats
2 trailers that were washed out
2 tennis ball
1 basket ball
2 traffic cones
1 Baltimore oriole
2 fishermen

Love and Kisses to all and to all a good night.
Hey if you can find it please turn on the air conditioner

Day 5


Hot again today but I have decided to wine about y]the cheap shoes I bought for this trip. The come off in the mud and the rear tie broke that sucks.

Equipment wise we seem to be going OK the water proof bags we use to keep the electronics in keep ripping and patch them with duct tape so long as I keep out of the water they should be OK. Three pair of sunglasses have bitten the dust so far. As we are in the town of Spencer we replaced them today let us hope the new CPS one hold out better.

I am doing better with the Oar (it is too big to be call a paddle) I made but if I see a good paddle along the way I will stop and buy it. I can feel the muscles getting used to the strain and the weight of it. If it makes it home some wood will be removed to make it lighter.

Had a hard time finding a campsite on this section of the river and when we reached Spencer we stopped in at the police station and asked if it would OK to camp in the park. After some calls the officers said sure and here we are.

Pizza for dinner tonight and it was OK a little too hot for my taste but Di asked for it that way.

Well Di wants to try and post this blog up at the local library tonight so I have to get moving.

2 refrigerators
1painted turtle
5 families of teal
2 blue herons (not ass common here as in Indy where they where to many to count)
3 bald eagles
2 coolers
1 trip of kids and parents
2 fishermen
good night to all love and kisses


  1. Andrew and I are following the rivers with you from our home. See,+39%C2%B0+23'+23.77%22,+-86%C2%B0+32'+21.12%22&gl=us&hl=en&msa=0&msid=213894065069852383200.0004a58694fad8775cb39&ll=39.762103,-86.386871&spn=0.606998,1.18927&z=10

  2. Also we were thinking about taking our Kindle on the BWCA. Should we look into different water proof bags?

  3. Love reading this and miss you guys! Have a great adventure and we are looking forward to seeing you when you return!

    “Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.”
