Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Belvedere Motel in Cairo

Day 24
June 27

Breakfast was great at the casino as they had a buffet where the cooked an omelet for you, a buffet with all kinds of good stuff and some waffle machines, add all the coffee you want and we are close to heaven.

We got off to good start and as the sky looked dark we rigged the gear for rain and that it did. Around 12 it poured down on us. We pulled over into shore and stood under the protection of some trees. The storm did not last long and moved on just after 30 minutes. During that time you bet I was missing the hotel we left though.

We passed though several really busy facilities today moving coal, cement, sand and making electricity. The all had working tows at them but we did not disturb them, as I stayed between them and shore. The wind was behind most of the morning so we made good time. Several small tows passed with out barges in a rush and putting out a good wake so we had some surfing to do to stay upright.

Campsites are hard to find with the water so high so we had look hard at 3:00 after making more than 18 miles we found some bluffs with gravel at the bottom. Gravel is better than sand at draining water and a whole lot better than camping on mud so here we are. It is a prettty good campsite all told.

The wind picked up late in the day so I was woking pretty hard and was tried and ready to camp when we arrived. As soon as the tent was up the wind died and temperature went up. So the heat kind of got to me, now am sitting topless trying to cool off while working the Netbook and hoping it does not rain too soon. I am also hoping my shirt dries out before I enter the tent which I doubt will happen but maybe I will have enough water for breakfast made. Now Di is burning trash washed up onto shore.

7 buzzards (I think they are following us)
5 dead fish
3 jumping carp (nothing close)
1 raccoon
9 heron
2 homes washed away by the floods
1 trailer park
3 red run away buoys
6 tow racing around without barges
4 full barges 2 down stream
1 trailer park

Tea is done gone the sun and the campers off to bed.


Day 25
Cairo IL
Dave's Favorite Hotel

Yes for those that followed Dave and me down the river on the Bikes the Belvedere Motel is still in Cairo and it is still the only Motel in town. It pretty bad the last time Dave and I stayed there and it still is pretty bad but hot shower and Air Conditioning is worth putting up with a lot. The last time we stayed some mice ate some of our food in our packs. This time the owner asked us if we had any dogs or pets, I almost said why would you care you have mice but I kept my mouth shut. When we enter the room there was a dead bug just inside the door. Lets hope there is no live ones in the hotel bed. Anyway it cool and dry so all is good. Here to any Motels along the way regardless how rundown.

Last night the showers started early and lasted a short period of time with doors zipped up. Dianne got warm so she got up and unzipped the doors and that cooled things off. One of the barges coming down the river must of noticed the glow of the fire place and light the tent up a surgery stage. So last night sleeping was up and down as conditions changed during the dark hours.

Up with the dawn and down the river we went after breakfast of eggs and potatoes. (Advice to Andy who is planning to take some of my food only use a little of the spice bag with the eggs they are much better that way, way too hot with the whole bag.) The day promised a lot of interesting stuff first was a lock. Again it was not there and we just paddled on down the river. Next was the construction site for the new lock and dam and there was a lot of activity there at least 5 tow boats moving cranes and digging equipment a couple of dredges and many worker moving around. We stayed just outside of the channel so we would interfere with movement or work. That seemed to work.

Next we came to Mound City and there was not a lot there. A barge got dropped off at the grain loading site. We got out of the canoe and hoped that we could get a restaurant but no joy in that plan so we cooke up a lunch and started off again.

We then paddled though the busy harbor of Cairo. Tons of movement and lots of stuff moving around. The flashing lights I had seen in the morning and wondered about turned out to be welders working on barges in dry dock, you can see a welding arc a long ways off on cloudy days.

Today the weather god smiled on us. We had lots of lighting and thunder all morning paddling just after breakfast and had to stop and rig the canoe for rain. But the thunder never got closer than a 20 count from from us and no rain fell on us, although we could see it all morning.

Another interesting thing that happened was the fish. Just after lunch we were passing a facility and Dianne got the willies when she saw all this fish mouths just above the water and as the canoe pasted them the would splash away leaving her wet, she was most upset but got though OK.

Once at Cairo we could see the motel but could not get out till 2 miles past it due to the levee wall along the river. Once at the ramp a nice family offered us ride up to the Motel and gave us some of the history and story of the town. Many thanks as it saved me a very long hike with the pack that I guess I have to do in the morning.

As we approached the rail bridge in Cairo a tow beeps us. So Dianne took up the radio and the skipper asked if could hold up for a few and move to the right as he had move close to shore to make the bridge. As the tow was 4 wide and 6 long it was big swing for him and did come close to shore. We held behind him and watched him clear the bridge with space to spare.

5 blue herons
15 cranes working on the river
2 dredges
6 tows without any barges
4 loaded barges (one was 24 barges)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Posted from Harrahs June 26

Day 21

Got up early at the River Rose Inn and had enough time before breakfast to have a shower and pack the clothes pack up. Checking everything twice to make sure nothing was left behind (something David should learn to do). Then had a wonderful breakfast prepared by Sue the Innkeeper and Owner with lots of coffee and stuffed french toast. During breakfast met Mike who was on a road trip vacation with his wife and had a nice visit with him. He was properly trained as all his wife had to do was test down was the coffee good and off he went to give her a cup (just like I would do). Both Mike and Sue saw us off and we make great tirme as the wind was down this morning.

After about 3 miles the river bent pretty strongly to the south and decided to cut the corner. This was a trap set up the by buzzard and carp. As soon as I was across the wind picked up and we were working our butts off to make some headway. A 2 mile ng island came along and hid behind it for a the distance then at the end of it we crossed back over to the IL side of the river to the small town of Golconda. Of course just about half away across we see a full barg barrow out other bend above us about a mile away. With the wind in out face we worked hard and fast to get out of the way of the barge and made it with a quarter mile to spare. But I do not like being that close to something that big.

We asked a passing speed boat where lunch could be bought he directed us to the main street just over the levee. Finding some local we asked the best spot for lunch and they agreed the Riverport Restaurant and Cafe. Their specil was catfish having had good catfish twice yesterday at the Elizabethtown Restaurant I could do it a third time but the hamburger was great. Golconda was once a busy port town and had one of the first ferries across the river. The town was founded by a woman which run the ferry with help from her color woman companion. So for one years the town was known as Sarahville. For some reason they changed the name to Golconda, personally I prefer Sarahville myself.

On the equipment repair list today have to add the canteen as the screw cap top broke completely off. I fixed it with duct tape so all equipment is still working.

5 carp no hits though
9 herons
1 refrigerator
2 55 gallon blue barrels
1 picnic shelter with the roof removed by the floods
1 barge going down river
3 barges going up river
1 run away red buoys
2 run away green buoys
4 speed boats
2 bass boats
3 john boats
5 deer
Love and kisses to all

Day 22

Woke to thunder and light showers this mornings. They were light enough that we decided to get moving quickly and packed up mostly dry. Just the tarp and the tent were damp and they have dried this afternoon.

After leaving the campsite we paddled in calm water with lots of rain. Thunder all morning till around 11 AM almost continuous rain. I thinking the 5 minutes I spend putting on sun screen was wasted pretty much as well as the sunscreen.

We paddled about 10 miles and reached the Smithville Lock and dam. They had two barges in front of us so we had to wait for almost an 1 hour in the rain. When we finally did get to lock though we were surprised to have a large pleasure craft come though too. There was plenty of space as the lock was more than 1200 ft long and 200 ft wide. Di had a blast talking to the lock master on the radio and he friendly enough the whole time.

Once on the down stream side the water level has changed relative to the bank. The water is much higher below that lock and campsites are therefore much harder to find. We pasted 3 islands which usually are good bets but were completely submerged. The willows around them are under water with only the tops showing. So we had to cut a campsite today. By that I mean work through some willows to muddy shore then move some debris and clear a small spot up high on the bank. I am not happy about this the mud is sticking to everything, I know I complain about sand too but I think I prefer sand.

The high water also has meant that many fishing nets have been lost and they are wrapped around the trees above our heads in several places.

Thought about the gods playing bumper cars and the losers crying causing all the darn rain for the day.

1 deer
8 white egrets
5 blue herons
2 bald eagles
5 barges 4 going down stream (saw more after camping)
3 jumping carp (one big one just missed Dianne jumping over lap leaving a trail of water)

Love to all and to all good night
Well and tried and there is no swimming to night as the shore is too muddy and pluged up with stuff.

Day 23
Room 426 Harrahs in Metropolis IL
Ok God please stop the rain in the morning! Just for the record God I did not find it funny when you washed out the fire and stopped breakfast.

For the mortals out there who do not know what the almighty did this morning this is what happened. We woke as normal about 2 in the morning when the thunder started and sealed the doors on the tent. Then the rain started about half hour later with very strong winds. When 6 rolled around still rain then 6:30 we had a break, (god sucking us out of the tent). Then I started the fire to cook breakfast, first boil water for coffee and to hydrate the vegetables for the eggs and potatoes. I got the coffee started helped Dianne with the tent. Then just when the tent was down and packed god started it raining and blowing. I managed to get the coffee hot into cups turned around to start the potatoes and my fire was gone. I do not mean out but a river was running though it, it was missing altogether. So we sat down and ate some granola bars and trail mix. This was the worse moment in my camping life I have always been able to get hot food from somewhere!

Then we paddled though the Paducah harbor as soon as we got started in some light rain. It was very busy place lots of little and big tows running back and forth dropping a barge here building one there. We must of paddled past at least 100 barges tied to the shore. Di tried to talk to the boats and tell them where we were but no answer. Finally at one point she spoke to a little working tow boat with no response. A minute latter as we a approach the big tow boat the small tow radioed, “There is a canoe with a little girl in just passing you now”. The large tow says back,”Yea I see them”.

Next comes lock and dam 52. Must be like Area 52. About a mile out Di call the lock and dam that we are coming downstream and would like to lock though just as directed to do so on the map. A voice comes back, “Ma'am the dam is down and you can just paddle right on through.” I do not like paddling over dams but this time we could see nothing but a few pillars sticking up. So am not sure if the lock and dam is gone or just under water due to the flooding.

Next came Fort Massac on the Ohio. It was rebuild in 1802 under orders from Washington for protection of the Ohio. It was originally a Spanish foot around the 1600s, taken over by the French and used to keep those rotten British out of the Mississippi Valley. Then after the French Indian Wars became British, later to become a USA fort after independence.

Then onto Metropolis the home of Superman and Harrah Casino with a hotel. We stopped at the hotel next door but it was closed out due to the floods earlier this year. We then tried the Casino and they were open and when asked what the rate that was only $59 it was a no-brainer we stayed. Washed up and had dinner at the buffet and then off to see superman. We stopped at the front desk for directions and the clerk that checked us in did not recognize us all cleaned up. A few picture of superman and finish the blog and off bed in real bed that does not require me to crawl though any mud a good deal.

20 Buzzards (must of thought we would drown going over the dam no dam)
3 blue herons
1 huge thunderstorm
1 good attempt at a thunderstorm
2 hungry campers at a buffet
2 bridges
1 train
4 empty two boats running around
1 harbor taxi
3 running barges (two up one down)

Love to all and good night

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Poste from the River Rose Inn a Great spot

Day 14

It always feels good to finish up the last chores of a day and today it feels even better as the paddling was hard as we were going into a strong headwind most of the day. So as we have covered more than 20 miles it felt good to stop even if it is on a sandbar. I hate sand as it gets into everything and sticks everything. Well I should start at the start of the day and run you though it as it happened.

Dinner last night was at the Nostalgia Tavern and it was great. So anyone passing though the Mt Carmel area should stop in and say hi. They also have some really cool stuff to see like motorcycles and sign athletic stuff. Like from Bobby Ore an hockey stick and a jersey.

Back at the hotel Dianne and I fell asleep fast and I slept well getting up once to take some Tylenol as legs were bothering me a bit. This morning slept in to the old hour of 7:00 AM Eastern time although it was 6 local. The inn keeper at the Economy Lodge was also the taxi drive in town and he gave us a lift back to the canoe. That place is nothing fancy but filled the filled the bill for us and the owners are really trying hard and are good people.

At the boat ramp in Mt Carmel is the Twin River Restaurant and that is where we ate. They did a good job and the meal was great. So overall Mt. Carmel was a fun little town with lot of Victorian homes, a good local museum and lots of friendly people.

Then we started to move the canoe down to the rive and guy on a golf cart stopped and asked if we would like him to use his cart to take the packs for us. Of course we said yea sure! Boy that town is full of really nice people.

The river was pretty empty today only saw one moving john boat and that was at the boat launch. Lots of trees down and you can really see where the flood reshaped the river this year.

We stopped for lunch and realized that the river would take a bend next and put the wind to our backs for while and so off we went planning to do another 4 miles. However it was one mile too many as it started to storm just as we were pitching the tent so the inside got wet during the erection process. This required Dianne to bail out the inside of the tent to keep the sleeping stuff dry. I just hate pitching or taking down in the rain. Dinner went well and the fire was not too hard to start. So now it is just 6:30 and I am finishing up the last chore the Blog.

1 croquette ball
6 earth moving machines
1 old combine
21 blue herrons
2 working barges
2 railroad bridges
1 main hiway bridge
23 fishing net buoys
4 fishingmen
1 Huge thuderstorm
5 buoys hanging in trees
1 tire swing
1 rope swing over the river
1 front door
12 refrigerators
1 moving john boat
5 tied up john boats

Love to all and to all a good night.

Day 15

New Harmony State Park

Woke to storms all though the night one gust took the peg out of the front of the gound and had to be fixed. While putting the stakes back into the ground the wind blow the tent bag away. We were lucky to find it this morning way back in the trees. The storms lasted all night and into the morning. As packing the rain is no fun we slept in till it stopped and packed up and had a breakfast. Finishing the coffee just in time for more rain and wind. It was so windy that we could not leave for another hour. When we finially get started the rain drizzled on us for another couple of hours. Some of the lighting and thunder were really impressive. Unfortunately the wind was in our face most of the way to New Harmony and it took longer than hoped for to reach there.

Getting into New Harmony around 4 we watched a movie about the history of the town. How Robb founded it in 1845 on 20,000 acres of land and started a religious community to await for the end days. Then he moved back east for business resons and a Owens moved in trying to create a utopia for people to live based on knowledge and educations. Today it is quaint place in history. We had a good dinner in town and moved out around 6 hoping to find a campsite.

When we reached the state park a group of people on sunset walk were at the boat ramp with a DNR rep. So I asked if would be OK if we camped right there and she was nice enough to say sure. Given the alternative of sending us off down the river to in a sunset I think that was really kind of them.

7 oil wells
1 blue heron
5 john boats
1 pontoon boat
4.5 bridges one was not all there
7 fishermen in boats
6 fishermen on shore

good night it has been a very long day

June 19

You would think god would get tired of raining on us during the early morning hours and leave us alone but he did it again this morning and it was another big thunderstorm again. It all started at about 3 am and kept it up till 7 this morning. Enough water fell to raise the level in the river about 1.5 ft. This will make finding campsites difficult.

We decided as it was father's day and Sunday and we needed to figure a quick breakfast to have a cake. So we made it like a coffee cake and tea. It was good and simple to do. We were off to a late start but still got out before 10. The weather forecast sucked saying rain and wind. The canoe was rigged for rain and it did not happen. Not a lot of activity on the river this morning only saw 1 boat moving after we left New Harmony State Park. Stopped for a quick lunch at a ramp that was more mud than ramp. This was a good choice as it had lots of grass to set up.

I used the Parks water to clean the filter and does it run fast now. I hope it still is working at removing what it is suppose to. During lunch two cars came by to look at the river. One guy stopped and asked what we were doing when I told him he and his kids said “Awesome”. Last night at the park when I spoke to some couples out for the sunset on the Wabash walk with the park ranger they said, “We almost envy you doing this trip”. It for sure is not for everyone.

After lunch we stopped the first thing that resembled a campsite. Now it is a campsite and we working on the journals before dinner because we can and it shady now. The gods did try to get us wet one more time while pitching the tents but it was a half hearted try. Though I still hear some distance thunder.

2 deer (One I forgot to count yesterday
4 bald eagles
7 herons
6 net markers
1 school bus on it side in the river
7 full trees floating down the river
4 john boats (all day only one while paddling)
1 cooler stuck way up high in a tree
2 refrigerators
3 bridges

Love to all and to all a good night. (kisses to the ladies)

Day 17
Mouth of the Wabash and Ohio
Short paddling time today finishing 20 river mile and 16 total work mile before lunch. The reason for this is the river created a new cut across some land in 2008 and shortened our paddle. The river is so high that the cut had lots of water for our canoe so we took it. Found sandbar with trees backing it so called it a day. Will get a good start on the Ohio tomorrows.

I am beginning to think that the equipment on this trip is cursed. First the filter stopped working then the tent was soaked thought, the waterrroof bags for eletronics and my contacts and now the stupid camp stove I have has slowed way down and appears to have a plugged fuel line. I have tried cleaning the nozzle and many other tricks but it just won't go as normal. I finally decided to try and burn the plug out and that is what I am trying now. 1 am now tring to burn the line clean but no joy yet been working on the damn thing for more than 2 hours. Getting tried of fixing stuff.

Today not much on the Wabash but it was nice of the river god to send us off with an beatuful morning no rain or thunderstorm. Only problem is some contrary winds that we coped with not too badly. I also put in contacts this morning and have not had any problems with them today so that is good news. If only the damn stove would work.

Di has tried fishing with limited luck some bites but no landings.

A bunch of barges have gone by 2 going upstream one grain (looked empty) the other coal which was full and two going down one grain and one petro of some sort.

Aside from that it hot one today over 88F and sunny but the breeze is keeping us cool.

1 run away buoy
4 barges
1 john boat
7 herrons
1 all steel cabin
2 working
1 non working camp stove

Good afternoon to everyone

Tuesday June 21
Day 18
N 37.69809
W 88.13716

Short paddling time but with the wind in our face all morning decided to call it early at Old Shawnee Town IL. The forecast was even worse thunderstorms and high wind for this afternoon and evening. I do not understand how the weather changed from yesterday morning where rain was only a 20% probability to almost 100% today. We must be sitting on the edge of the of a two fronts that are fighting it out.

Dianne said she was tried of the wind in our face all morning making no speed at all just creeping along slowly. So we decided to call it at Old Shawnee town. The local motel closed a week ago though so they would not let out any rooms. So we walked over to the local restaurant and they are closed on Monday and Tuesday. Next came a Biker Bar and they had closed for the winter on Oct 31 and still had not opened back up. So we walked to the package store/bar/bait shop and asked about accommodations and the keep said the same thing try the Chief Motel. I said we did and it was closed and he said OH I did not know that! So we had a cold drink and discussed camping in the park across the street he said no one would care so that where we are. I have gone back there to call the local law enforcement (and have a good beer) and they are not answering but the keeper said do not worry he would tell them not to bother us. The guy just sitting at the bar sipping his beer said the same thing. So here we are sitting in a picnic shelter charging stuff with thunderstorms overhead.

The customer at the package store was a red neck in the classic style. While there he told 3 off colored jokes about race and one crude joke about women. Then a young kid came in with a fresh cast on his right knuckles and when asked about he said fighting and knocked the other guy out with the punch. The red neck then showed off his broken and bend knuckles and seem proud of them. I thought this is good time to leave I do not need to find out how they fight. Clearly not the classic martial artist though who would come straight in and not break anything while knocking you out.

Old Shawnee town is small now and not lot left in it. There is an old bank building that is very impressive and some historic signs and poster but aside from those there is nothing. Apparently it was the first large town in Illinois and one of the biggest too. The Lewis and Clark stopped here on their west to buy salt. Lafayette stopped here in 1825 while doing a major tour of the US. The sign claims thousands greeted him at the dock and walked with him to local hotel still there. (Not working though.)

Sure is nice sitting at a picnic table when it thundering and raining out.

I have not discussed the Teals we have seen lately. The have little babies and as soon as they see us the mother moves the babies over to the shore and then run decoy down the river play hurt bird some times for half a mile. The other thing that is really weird is the Asian Carp that jump when we get close to them some of them are big enough to startle you good and make you jump quite a good distance! Dianne always screams when she has it happens next to her. We have seen some really big fish close to surface too.

While this shelter leaks a little so I am going to sign off before some water gets into the net book.
Remember it is only a half day.
5 barges at one time (nothing all day then boom 3 going up and 2 going down)
2 eagles
2 seaguls
1 cooler
1 kids life jacket (no kid attached)
1 ball
2 five gallon pails
2 big fish
1 jumping carp

Love to all stay dry and happy.

Day 19

Well the journey continues.
Yesterday I wanted to see a fire truck in town so I walked over during a let up in the storm. Once there it worth while to see it. It was cool the last stamp on it said 59 so I assume that was the year. I would not believe how few controls it had in it not a lot of stuff for the guy too work with. However when it was time to start back it started to pour down and strong winds. So we rested there at the truck. However back at the picnic shelter the rain and wind move our stuff around and got a lot of the electronics wet (really damp). So we spent the rest of the afternoon drying stuff. Most of all the stuff seems to work except for the touch pad on this net book so I am working with command keys and it is a little fustrating as it takes longer to get the simple stuff down. But I am coping. The good news is the last thing I did with small cook stove was put in the fire to try and burn out the plug and it works again. Just the normal problems of plugging the nozzle every so often and that will get better I hope.

Ok on to today adventures. This morning the clouds looked a little iffy so rigged for rain that never happened. The wind was in our faces at the start and we had to work our way thought the Old Shawnee Port. Even talked talked to a few of the working tows to tell them where we were. One guy said, “where are you? OH I see you now OK go on past your are out of my way.” The wind then calmed down and we made pretty good time covering about 21 miles. This should allow us to reach a hotel tomorrow we hope.

On weird stuff today the Asian carp are out after us. During one jumping display one hit me on the head and another on the arm. During another display on skipped over Di lap. To her credit she did not freak and turn the canoe over. I do not think she thought it was funny when it hit her, though she thought it humorous when it hit me. I still think they have a contract out for me, maybe that is why we say so many buzzards today.

Lentils for dinner we see how they turn out this time last time they were not so good so I am cooking them a lot more this time.

14 buzzards
13 jumping fish 3 that hit one of us
4 turtles
4 bald eagles
5 barges (3 going down 2 going up)
1 trailer camp park
1 working boat for the survey or something
1 jet ski (really a count from yesterday)

Good night to all and all love and kisses

Day 20
Right now Damn if I know as I am in Tavern having a beer waiting for laundry.
Rose Inn Bed and Breakfast for the night.

First the net book works much better when it dry and not being blown all over the place with sand and grit. So right now I guess all my equipment is working about as well as can be expected I only hope it stays that way. I also hope my muscles keep working well as I am using my oar about full time now so I must be doing better and getting stronger. The rain held off last night and the wind stopped blowing enough to make us comfortable for a good night sleep however the wind did not stay down this morning. When we started it was just a light breeze changing into a gusting blow later in the morning directly into our face. It slowed us down a bunch making for a tough paddle. When Di checked the GPS she said it said it would read 2 miles per hour for my stroke than slow to 1 mile per hour while I was reaching for the next stroke. Any ways when we finally reached Elizabethtown we were tried. The GPS said nothing here the sign at the marine suggested Rose Bed and Breakfast. So we checked out the The River Rose Bed and the Breakfast (A great place to stay) and they had a room and here we stay. When I went out to do laundry Dianne was singing in the shower saying how great the place was. Just for the record a lot of sand was left in the shower when I finished up cleaning off in it. Do not know where that sand came from on me but I must surely track a lot of it with me somewhere! I consider it proof that the sand gets into everything.

The bar is interesting as all the men are a little older with big belly and watch old television shows. About 6 now as the price of beer is only one dollar it is a cheap place to past an afternoon. The all complain about their wife's and tell lies about the catfish that got away.

The river was a little busy as we past one gravel pit today and the working tow beeped at us. I do not know what he expected us to do. We moving about as fast as possible and we did try to hail him on the radio but he did not answer. I just think he was pissed off because we held him about 5 minutes trying to move out his way. The ferry was much friendlier as when hailed him he answered and said he saw us
would watch out for us. Then they asked where we were headed and I am not sure he believed us. As he then asked if we intended to go the distance in that canoe. We said yes and that he said, “good luck have a good trip”.

This stretch of the Ohio River is really pretty with lime stone bluffs and lots of pretty views on both sides. Kind of surprising not to see more development along the river for recreation as it really is a nice river here. I guess it kind of seasonal thing and with all the flooding people are worried about coming down.

The buzzards are still with us and I think they are the ones paying the carp to try and kill us.

On funny note I told Dianne last night to be sure to check the bank before stepping down as if it falls in you fall in too. Well when we were washing up guess who stepped on the edge of the foot bank and fell down? ME, pretty silly, so I told her I was showing her how it happens.

8 buzzards
7 jumping carp (no hits today)
9 herons
1 eagle
3 coolers
1 thermos
2 dollar beers
1 Great bed and Breakfast (Rose INN)
1 run away red bouys

Love and Kissed to all

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Mt Carmel Economy Inn

Day 11
N 38.52614

It felt good to sleep in a real bed last night and then to get up and have a hot shower made it better. The Holiday Inn Express free breakfast was not bad and the coffee was great especially as I did not have to light a fire to brew it. The ride solution arrived a few minutes late just after 6:40 when she was expected at 6: 25. The driver was upset with her passenger who was late getting out to the car.

So were off down the river in a little rain at 7:15 AM. Then it started to rain seriously so we put on our new rain coats. Dave would be proud on the red one I have as the water just beaded up on it and I was dry.

Around 11:00 we were passing under Hwy 57 and decided to take a break. Some fishermen there suggested going across to their camp on the other side of the river as it would more comfortable. Once there we bought gasoline I forgot in Washington and watched these guys work. They are netting catfish on the haul today they brought in 184 lb of channel cat fish and an additional 38 lb flat head catfish. Bill told us how the traps worked and the licensing for them worked as well. Bill then explained how to properly clean a channel cat. It took him less time to clean one than explain it. He took a filet off the fish in about 15 seconds and the second filet off in around the same time. Then cleaned off all the red meat and was left with a pure white boneless piece of meat. I can see way people lineup at his place to buy some of his fresh fish. We then talked about the Asian Carp in the area, the DNR now are calling them yellow bass, (Bill did not approve). We they pickup the tag for the nets the DNR gives out 3 cooking instructions for the fish and are encouraging people to eat them. Some of them weight up to 70 lbs now and can be dangerous as they they have a habit of just jumping into the boat as it goes by. Bill claimed some boat damage because of them and that some people have been hurt by them.

So much for fish stories. We covered a total of 26 miles today and stopped on a small island in the bend of the White River. As the West Fork and the East Fork of the White joined up today the river is becoming big and do mean Big. We saw white caps on part of it today too. Pasted a huge power plant with three stacks that we saw 2 days ago and expected to be in Washington but it was really in Petersburg.

Well better save the battery. PS the Absorbent Junior we bought has worked at keeping bugs down.

210 lbs of Fish
16 john boats working the river
31 fish net buoys
2 power plants with 5 smoke stacks
0 people out pole fishing
4 nice guys at Bill fish camp
Lots of rain drops
6 islands

Love and Kisses to all and to all a good night.

Day 12
Position (for those that care)

Woke to thunder this morning and it meant sleeping in for a extra 45 minutes while the storm passed over. Then out of the tent and work fast to pack up while stuff was dry. Getting the fire going was a bear as the wind kept blowing the kindling out heat away from the pot I was trying to get to boil.

After breakfast we were still dry and fiinished packing up the site quickly and off down the White River we went. About 10 we hit with another thunderstorm and poured down hard. We used our new rain jackets again and they work really well. So all in all we just did not care about the rain all that much.

About lunch time the small town of Hazelton was just in front of us and there was suppose to be cafe one block for the public access. So we stopped for lunch. The cafe was washed out during the floods this year but we told that there was tavern about ½ mile in town so we stopped in there. I had a beer and the tenderloin sandwich and they both great. One patron arrived and sat down and without asking the bar keep had his beer open and waiting for him. So anyone passing though Hazelton IN stop in at the Hilltop Tavern and fish and steak night on Friday and singing on Saturday.

We stopped about 3.5 miles further on down and looked at an island campsite and shore side was better so are camped on a sandbar again tonight. It is not I do not like sand I just do not like sitting on it, tracking it into the tent, sleeping on it and then eating it in everything. It just gets old but is comfortable to be on, just gritty.

To cap the day off a thunderstorm rolled over while I was cooking dinner the tarp did a good job keeping us dry.

1 deer by river side (big one too)
1 good tavern and cold beer
3 moving john boats
many gnats
5 blue herrons
1 turtle
19 net buoys
1 great bar keep (lot of information for example the flood here was 29.5 feet this year)
1 trailer completely flattened by the flood
3 thunderstorms

Good night to all and all love and Kisses (especially you ladies following me).

Day 13

Economy Inn Mt Carmel

Quite day on the river today. Up early and off to good start. The river was quite all the way down to the confluence of the Wabash and White River then we saw a ton of John Boats and fishermen all 3 of the them. One of them stopped and asked us, “Big storms Last yesterday ah”. Just like Canada except with a southern accent. Watched on boat pull in the nets and throw out some turtles and keep some catfish that looked pretty big to me but they did seem to think much of the catch.

Then when we reached the confluence we paddled across the Wabash river to a restaurant. I pulled up to to the bank where Dianne tried to get out. She took a bid step and went right up to her knees. I thought for sure she would lose her shoes but she managed to keep them on. We then paddled down the river to ramp and had listen to Di tell me all the way what a stupid idea getting out there was. I hope I do not make that kind of suggestion often because I know Di could kill me and if looked could have killed I know when she took that step I would not be typing now.

We then packed the gear up the hill a little ways and started the walk into town and a woman stopped and gave us a lift. Thanks a lots Donna just like my sister's name it was greatly appreciated. The hotel is not something to brag about but it is run by a great staff that seems to work hard and keeps the place as clean as possible.

So that is news today.

7 blue herrons
5 fishermen
14 fishing nets buoys
1 eagle
6 john boats running

Love to all and to all good night.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Wasington City IN

Day 6 & 7

Did not have time yesterday (really energy) write the journal just to sick. Maybe it was the Pizza or maybe it was bad water, whatever it was we sick as dogs. We covered 12 mile to a sandbar just past Freedom IN. at noon and called it a day. Pent the rest of the day trying to stay cool. We seen not to bhaving very good luck I know I am very dehydrated but can only drink a little at a time so not to throw it back up later.

The morning of the 6th we had breakfast in Chamber's Smorgasbord but neather Di or I felt well enough to rally enjoy it. In truth I had be thinking clearly we should of found a small hotel with AC and stayed in town.

So much for day 6

2 sick campers
1 camper making bad choices (me not drinking enough)

Day 7
After resting almost all yesterday woke to a misty damp dew morning. Both of us felt better I still do feel great. Decided not enough shade at that sandbar to hang out anonther day and packed up and moved on. Covered 15 miles to Boone's bluff a great campsite so we stopped and pitched in back of the trees. Lots of shade so it much cooler today. I slept some this afternoon and feel stronger still not back to 100% but getting there. Di seems to be fully recovered and she explored around the area. The bluff is suppose to have Daniel Boone carved in but she did not find it.

Ate lightly today just some soap and Mac & Cheese stomach still not 100% but it is getting better.

Among other problems my eye started to bother me so I changed to glasses. They then broke this afternoon and I had sew them together with some thread and then wrap them with duck tape. Di said I did a good job and can hardly tell. Hope my eye get better soon so I can go back to my contacts. Then the water filter has slowed way down because the water is so silty don't know how to fi that I have two pre-filters for as I expected to see silt just not so soon and so much of it. We are now filtering the water and treating with Iodine to try and prevent whatever got us yesterday..

Well I am feeling semi-human tonight and I hope another easy day of rest I will be back to normal. So early to bed early. The weather is for storms tonight that should cool things off. Wish I could think of something funny to write about but just can't get up for it right now.

2 red necks shooting pistols into the rtver. (when they saw us they stopped only to start again after we were past)
2 Fishermen (thought it was “assume” rhat we trying to reach the gulf (not sure they believed us
2 bald eagles
1 roost of bats a Boones bluff

Night to all and love and Kisses

Day 8
Boones Bluff was great and I did do it credit the pictures yesterday so here are more pictures today as I am feeling better

Somewhere south of Newberry IN

After a good night sleep and I awoke feeling much improved. My eye still felt like someone stuck a log into it. As result I spend the better part of today squinting with my left eye and now to see this small tiny screen without too squinting I have put it on 200 zoom so now I can see it but it move weirdly I guess all life is a compromise.

We traveled 21 miles we hoped to stop as something called Morgan bluffs but never found them. Either 'they are marked wrong or the really stout woman we past hid them from view. Found a sandbar with muddy shore but made do for the campsite. I got the tarp up for some shade and got fire started and the bugs became bearable.

The guide book recommended a side trip to see this covered bridge so we went. Too many bugs to stop for lunch and sides of the bank were too steep to climb. (I am sure the grapes were sour too)

The floods this year have done a lot of damage though this region. There are tons of new trees in the water making some area quite tricky to get though, Even squinting I could see well enough that I stayed clear of all the tangles. Dianne said I am making my father proud with the slient suffering I am doing about the eye. To be honest I keep it open this evening which is better than I could this morning so things are improving. To add to the improvement of stuff I washed the water filter and it is doing better to. In addition the weather although still warm was more seasonable today so all in all things are looking up.

Well the battery is getting low and in the tent during a thunderstorm so I guess it is time to say goodnight.

1 obese woman fishing
12 john boats tied to shore
1 john boat moving
4 blue herons
0 geese (they all are in Morse defecating on my boat)
1 huge leather back turtle
3 squirrels

Love to all and to all good night.

Day 9

Position (for those who care)

Ok so I have been conserving battery power and not getting the position the last couple of days. Now Dianne and I think it would be a good time for a break and spent time today finding a Motel close by. Turns out to be in Washington IN about 3 miles past the Hwy 50 bridge coming up tomorrow morning so we take a half day and enjoy air conditioning and laundry service for the afternoon and night.

The river was busy today lots of john boats (flat bottom boat) running up and down the river with fishermen in them. One stopped an a wife an man talked to us. They were friendly and told us about their daughter who has had melanoma and is currently trying out for the Miss Indiana Pageant in Indianapolis. They also told about a army guy they met last summer that was trying the same trip and quite about Evansville. This is the second person we have heard about doing this trip. The last one quite at Cario IL after 7 weeks. That is about how long we hope to take in total.

The local people are friendy and unlike Indianapolis slow their boats as they pass you. Often stopping to chat a little. The canoe although I think looks a little beaten right now got 4 compliments today a record for one day I think. I am not sure all the people we told our plans to believe us. Today the weather gods smiled on us and hope they continue to do so. Partly cloudy skies sound just fine for the next couple weeks it keeps the temperature down a little, light showers are OK too so long as we know about them in advance.

Covered a total of 24 miles and still finished before 4:00 so we motored along. Well I better start cooking dinner.

3 blue heons
15 john boats moving or containing fishermen
7 tied to shore
1 guy net fishing
1 pontoon boat
1 turtle nest eggs hatched and babies gone
4 fires on shore to keep bugs down

Love and Kisses to all and to all a good night
God did not invent the little black gnats that are bugging me. PS I did have to squint all day today like yesterday.

Day 10
In Holiday Express in the city of Washington IN

Short paddle this morning only 11 miles to the highway 50 bridge for the town of Washington and Vincennes IN. Once there we started to call hotels no problems finding rooms only problem was the ride to the town from the boat ramp. When we called the hotel they suggested Ride Solutions so I called and they hummed a few times and finally said yea sure they would do that. However we would have to wait for 1 hour it took closer to 1.5 hours but they arrived and charged us a whopping $6. So I paid $15 gladly and they are to pick us up tomorrow morning at 7:30. We have now used the shower and laundry and getting caught up on the little stuff. Dianne is off trying to get caught up on her office stuff at IUK and I am working on the net book to get the blog done.

Not all of river to talk about today. Pasted a large campground with trailers along the river edge. Some of the trailers were clearly mobile homes ready to move. Some of the trailers were on stilts way up in air about 15 feet off the ground and that means about 20 feet from the current bank level. Some had decks that wrapped around and looked rather comfortable to me. Some were only 10 feet up and a couple of these got washed outed during the flooding and appeared to have seen better day. Most undergoing repairs but a couple looked like they suffered more than they were worth to fix up. I wonder how it would feel to spend that much money and lose it all in a flood like that. Just for the record it was record high floods for all time along this stretch of the White River this year.

For the first few days paddeling down the river has been lower in the morning than the night before except for the last 2 mornings when it slightly higher today than yesterday about 1 inch up. This bothers me as I am still hearing about minor flooding along the Washbash lower sections of the Ohio. I was really hoping all that stuff was over for the year. Still we saw a lot of campsites this morning so it should not be a problem over the next couple of days.

On other notes the weather was perfect today just above 80F meaning very comfortable paddling conditions. Well dinner is starting to call me, I will post this and some pictures latter this evening. The locals all say that Absorbent Junior is the thing to keep these little black gnats down. We tried some yesterday and it did seem to help so maybe I will buy some of that too while I am out.

1 trailer park
3 pontoon boats
12 empty john boats tied to shore
2 blue herons
0 people on river all morning

Love and Kisses to all and to all a good night

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Posted from Spencer Library

Day 2
Camping at:
W 86.22138

Man another hard day of paddling and portaging (that is stopping and carrying everything) around dams. Damn do I hate Dams. I am not sure how much weight we have in gears but I doubt it is less than 500 lb and I have carry just over half that.

Had breakfast with Andy and Angel today at morning Momma and it was great. Then off to the start point where we cheated by skipping the carry for the dam that was just below where we stopped yesterday. Oh well not everything has to be the gold standard the little lift helped I do not think I could have done 4 lifts today. The good news is was not stifling hot today cloudy most of the days and a few light showers keep it cooler. We skipped lunch as we ate so well at breakfast besides I need to loss a few pounds.

Found a campsite about half a mile past the last lift on loose stones not the most comfortable to sit on and write but a campsite. This means we are still just inside the boundaries of Indianapolis. I find it strange to be on a wilderness trip and be so close to stuff. We can hear I465 and some airport noise but I expect with how tried I am it will not stop me from sleeping well, Just as soup was ready a group of 4 ATV came bombing though the campsite and hope they do not come back tonight. It has gotten very warm this evening with the sun coming out as skies cleared just after I pitched the tarp. I can say I am sorry I pitched the tarp even though it is not raining as the shade is much cooler than the sunshine.

I plan to leave the fire smoking slowly along tonight as it will help keep the animals out of the campsite. The food packs are too heavy to hang and I am too tried to try (besides there are no big trees close by.

Well that was my day and I am planning on going swimming tonight to cool off a little.
So good night, play safe and do not let the air conditioner shut off.

Counts of Weird Stuff
2 Plastic toy trucks in the river
1 real truck just about buried in mud
22 people fishing (one saw one small one caught)
1 Paddle boat washed down the river
4 moving water crafts (all polite)
3 canoes on shoar
5 Kayats (seems to be more popular these days)
Yesterday missed stuff
2 large dolphins yard ornaments

Good night to all

Day 3
W 86.30

Today I was lazy going down some was water close to a snag. The snag caught on my roght side and lifted me out of the canoe. The canoe went far enough over to take a lot of water and started to swamp. Then the packs floated out and so did Dianne. I griped what I could and tried slowly drifted to shore. So now Andy you can laugh at me for taking everything into the drink. Nothing was lost or too wet. We dried the tent an trap at a lunch stop and had some water in one of food packs that we dried tonight and lost no food. So I guess my complaint for today is I almost drowned.

The rest of the day was much calmer covering a total distance of 17 miles according to the maps. Dinner was beef stew not too bad should have cooked it with more water.

A guy from Winding River Farms stopped by just after dinner while I was just hanging out in my tights. He was really friendly and gave us some advise on stuff to see from here to the dam coming up.

I is another hot day so I am cutting the writing short again.

4 turtles
2 toads
1 really wet canoe
1 bald eagle
1 (me) maybe two really tired campers

Good to all and love and Kisses

Day 4


Well today I will wine about the heat. It is hot. I have decided to wine about something ever day so if you plan to read this blog I be forewarned.

Got off to a good start this morning so it was cool all morning which was a good plan as it heated up pretty fast. At 11:30 reached the carry for the day and finished up just before lunch ao we stopped and went for a swim to cool off as much as possible. It was nice to get cooled off after all that work. We swam in underwear. Di decided to stay skimpy till after lunch. He plan worked well until two fishermen came down and she jumped for her clothes. They were good about and gave her a chance to finish dressing before coming all the way down to the river. I saw them lose one fish to a stump tanngle with their line.

This afternoon we paddled through a new cut in for the river and it full of a lot of tangles and deadheads. Dianne said I did a good job staying in the canoe, so it was a big improvement over yesterday. I will try not tto repeat that experience again.

Dinner was lentil stew it was better than the beef stuw last night but not up to my normal standards for camping meals. I cut the recipe in half a but it was still way too much food so for the second day in a row we burnt leftovers. This is not supposed to be done in the boundary waters but we are not ther and as I keep the fire hot enough it is all gone after 2 minutes.

3 bald eagles
2 spots where old cars were used to stabilize the bank
3 sunken motor boats
2 trailers that were washed out
2 tennis ball
1 basket ball
2 traffic cones
1 Baltimore oriole
2 fishermen

Love and Kisses to all and to all a good night.
Hey if you can find it please turn on the air conditioner

Day 5


Hot again today but I have decided to wine about y]the cheap shoes I bought for this trip. The come off in the mud and the rear tie broke that sucks.

Equipment wise we seem to be going OK the water proof bags we use to keep the electronics in keep ripping and patch them with duct tape so long as I keep out of the water they should be OK. Three pair of sunglasses have bitten the dust so far. As we are in the town of Spencer we replaced them today let us hope the new CPS one hold out better.

I am doing better with the Oar (it is too big to be call a paddle) I made but if I see a good paddle along the way I will stop and buy it. I can feel the muscles getting used to the strain and the weight of it. If it makes it home some wood will be removed to make it lighter.

Had a hard time finding a campsite on this section of the river and when we reached Spencer we stopped in at the police station and asked if it would OK to camp in the park. After some calls the officers said sure and here we are.

Pizza for dinner tonight and it was OK a little too hot for my taste but Di asked for it that way.

Well Di wants to try and post this blog up at the local library tonight so I have to get moving.

2 refrigerators
1painted turtle
5 families of teal
2 blue herons (not ass common here as in Indy where they where to many to count)
3 bald eagles
2 coolers
1 trip of kids and parents
2 fishermen
good night to all love and kisses

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Just Starting

Day 1

Almost killed me.
We started in the backyard and I carried a canoe while Andy carried the second canoe and that part was not too bad.

We started in the little creek right at the bottom of the spillway that forms the lake behind our home, called Cisero Creek. It turn out OK with only 2 carries around logs that fell across the creek and blocked the river. Dianne watched out for camnpsites all the way down to make sure that the river was not flood over the banks. She was greatly relieved to see that there we plenty of spots and it would appear that floods are all down river from us. So camping will not be a problem until we reach at least the Ohio river from the looks of things.

Once on the White River we made better time with a good current and no need to get out of the canoe. This was a good thing for Andy as appearently he can not balance on a log and fell into the creek at the fist lift. Dianne had a problem holding the paddle and she dropped it into the river twice during the day. But most importantly we did not tip over either time although we came close each time. Stopped at 86th ST for lunch at UNO and that was great.

Around mile 15 we entered the deep part of the rive and the motor boats started up. That shook the canoe a lot and required me to kneel all the time not a good for such a long day. My legs were sore and my arm were burning and I just wanted to stop. We reached Broadripple Park around 3:30 and the temperature was over 100F. Andy and I walked back to his home and drove the car back. This is the part that nearly killed me all the heat and no water.

Dinner at an Indian food restaurant and then a game with Andy and Angel and off to bed.

I must say I am happy to start the trip today and glad after all the planning we are underway.

9 turtles
1 deer
10 fishermen (1 fishergirl) (2 catching fish)
3 Kyats in the river
5 on shore
6 canoes on shore
1 other canoe trip with one canoe towing a tube
5 rude motorboat drivers
5 nice boats that slowed for us
1 great day (although too hot)