Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Posted from the Famous Under the Hill Saloon

Day 45
Gps shows me in the middle of the river but I am on an island
W 91.11611

Started this morning treating poison ivy. As always happen get it one place and the immune system thinks you have it everywhere. It is not a bad out break and the combination of Absorbine Jr and Benedyl seem to work well in control the out break in fact the only spot that look really bad is on my small of back where I could not reach.

We packed the room and had breakfast at the buffet it was great for $6 I had eggs, corn beef hash, sausage, bacon and a waffle with 3 cups of coffee all with out sand. Talk about living the high life!

Then back to the river leaving Vicksburg was too much trouble just a long paddle straight down a long section of very wide river. The damage the floods did to a couple of the casinos is still visible as you can see the window and roof missing in two of them. We then crossed the river and saw even worse damage to some cabins in on the shore. Some of them are fixed up again and some must be waiting for money or just being replaced and they have not gotten to pulling they down yet.

The weather was misty rain most of the day. Sometime heavier rain sometime more mist. When we passed one tow that was acting a little strange, I asked Di to call him and see what he need us to do. His response was, “OH I have been watching you all, you are fine I am waiting for a boat just keep on coming the coarse you are on”. The Southbound boat then jumped in with, “Just stay really close to shore do not get in my way”. The northbound boat said to us, “where you guy are no one will hit you just keep coming down”. Dianne was a little put out at the southbound boat feeling he insulted her intelligence, by suggest we would stay out of the way of the northbound and then cut off the southbound boat. Me I just did not care these guys have a tough job and really even if we stay out of their way they still feel interfere with work, that I think would be stressful without us in the picture. In this bend we saw 5 tows and that resulted us having to take the long way around the bend not the inside cut. That is just the way it goes we have to stay out of the way of the barges so no hard feelings.

Our target distance today was to match the distance travel in 04 which was 30 mile but when we reached that distance the camping was bad as the water was too high and the heat was so low that we decided to look for better camping. The next 4-5 mile was very discouraging as the shore was out of side behind flooded trees. I was begaining to give up hope when two island not on the map appeared before me. On the north end of one was a wonderful open shady campsite with good breeze. The only problem is the sand is again in everything again.

1 nuclear power plant
1 coal plant
18 cranes
1 tow with buoys on it
15 fishing buoys
11 egrets
5 buzzards
2 power boats
7 run away red buoys
2 run away green buoys
14 fishing buoys
11 no tresspassiing signs (we had lunch under one)

Love and kisses (and you know who there are for)

Day 46

Last night was cool and a couple of times I had to pull the covers over myself the morning was comfortable. We got off to a good start and the first channel crossing to get inside track was a piece of cake.. Second crossing was a little harder as we had to content with two barges but still got the bigger bite of the turn. The third was again a challenege but we made the turn on the inside and found a campsite a mile down river from the 04 trip.

We stopped for lunch on a shady spot and it was not so hot that swimming was not even discussed. However after the lunch the skies cleared and the temperature soared and was blazing. We found the campsite and I went in for a dip with the new crocks on right away. I felt much better after the swim.

One interesting thing today two jet ski raced over to say HI this morning. The normal 14 questions and it turns out they started in Oklahoma City. Kind of neat that have now met people that are doing the river from 3 or 4 different start points and doing in 3 different kind of crafts. When it is this warm out I wish I could go faster and feel the breeze but then when it clear and cool at night in the tent and I can see the stars I am glad I am doing it this way this time.

Well tomorrow only 12 miles to Natchez so it will be a short day. Although I like camping I will be pleased to grab a hotel.

6 green run away buoys
2 red run aways
6 barges
1 buoy laying barge
1 crane on a barge
1 soccer ball (a number 4)
1 hot afternoon (pleased with the shade in the campsite)
2 jet skis
3 working power boats (might the same one seen in three different places)

Love and Kisses to all the people who did not claim yesterday's (those that did claim it yesterday can have extras today)


Day 47
Under the Hill Saloon

A short paddling day having to only cover 12 miles to the reach Natchez. The one crossing we had to make was easy as no tows were in sight so there was no rush and easy handling of the canoe. Later as we approached Nathez we saw 5 tows at once all coming up stream and all I could say was that I was glad I was on the correct shore as crossing over would have been impossible with the boats out there.

This morning that little work boat that has been around was seen motoring up the river. I beginning to think he is following us but I do know that I nothing that would interest anyone to make it worth while spending that much time and effort.

Once in Natchez we checked into the same bed and breakfast (Under the Hill Saloon) that we stayed in last time down the river. I suspect that there will be loud music again but the room is great and the rate is fair so I do not mind at all. (They still stick dollar bills into the ceiling for parties downstairs. (they do this by passing a tack through a bill, backing it with 4 quarters, twisting the bill to hold the quarters and throwing it up). The still have good beer and I one when we arrived even though it was well before lunch time.

After cleaning up washing the laundry and taking care of our stuff. We did a walk up to Pig Out Inn for a BBQ lunch, that was great. Then off to the visitors center where we saw the movie of Natchez that explained the history of the town and we had a few of Dianne's favorite southern pralines. Everone recommends seeing the Longwood home, so even though I saw it with Andy and Angel(not Angle) I went to see it again. The owner and builder owned over 900 slaves, 6 plantations, and 44,000 acres of land. He lost it all in the civil war and wife live in the basement for 33 years. The basement was a hardship to live in as it only had 10,000 sq. ft of living space out of the 30,000 they had plans for. Seem so hard. During the tour met a couple that offered to drive us back to the saloon and then are having dinner with us later tonight, again the kind and courteous show though all the time in these trips. It is the very kindness like that makes travel this simple and fun. Thanks Dave and Mureen

5 egrets
1 power boat
2 herons
7 tows
8 egrets
1 really nice bar keeper
2 super kind people

Love and Kisses

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