Saturday, July 2, 2011

Posted from Caruthersville MO (next door to Lady Luck)

Day 26
June 29
Picture below of Rivercest Mannor in Cairo

Well the Mississippi greeted us to great day covering more than 32 miles and having just clear skies and very light winds. The only weather thing to complain about is the heat but we kept cool by filling our hats with water and pouring them over us.

Last night after dinner we did a short walking tour of Cairo Historic district and saw the Magnolia Mansion and Rivercraft Mansion and several other old homes in the area. Then back to the Motel and off to sleep. We did take food in the room so we do not know if any mice visited us. What I do know is the trucks as they went down the road still shake the old building and often made me think we in a thunderstorm.

Left Cairo facing a long walk to the river but after 7 blocks stopped at the Mack's Restaurant and we had breakfast. Visited with the local and joked around a lot just as we were leaving Russel offered to drive us down to the canoe. He gave us a short tour of Cairo which was a happening place when he was kid. It is a shame to see a grand old town like that grow old, but is also hard to see yourself age too.

Leaving the Cairo area we had some problems with barge traffic and had to wait for one to turn around and start up the Mississippi. Later heard another barge ask to pass a barge that hard stopped to pick up a pilot. The skipper asked him where he was going in “such a hurry and how fast you moving”/ The answer to drop off some barges in Cairo and I doing about 8 miles per hour.

We followed down the KY side of the river and crossed the channel once to save miles. Crossing back over nothing was coming until we were mid channel and then the downriver barge appreared and the upriver barge at the same time. So did a hurry up and got of the way quickly.

Wing dams are still here and some of them have wicked currents around around them. It is like shooting rapids with waves often 3-4 ft high that we surf down. Clearly the current is stronger given the distance we made today. The river is much higher but campsites appear to easy to find right now I hope it stays that way.

We are just north of Hickman and Dannie has fond memories of a restaurant called Memaws and out plan is to pack up in the morning and paddle across to the town and walk in for breakfast. So that is nes for the day.

Not a lot seen today.
14 barges (only 3 going down river)
2 coast guard boats working on Buoys
8 dry docks
3 two in dry docks
lots of barges tied off
one cabin flooded out
no raindrops

Day 27
Island just south of New Madrid

Woke early and packed quickly and off we went to Hickman just a short paddle and a short hike and we were at Memaw's Restaurant for breakfast of country ham eggs and biscuits and Gravy in all a great success. Then back to the river and lots more work paddling down the river,

It was a hot sunny day so to stay cool we fill our hats with water and pout it over our heads. At the first bend it we were on the inside and made great time then the river did a S-turn and we decided the river was clear enough to turn cross the channel and cut the corner saving a lot of miles. This time no barges showed up and we did save a lot of miles. So we kept moving down the Missouri side of the river. The river became very narrow at a one point and Dianne call a barge to tell them where we were and the guy said, “thanks for the nitrification, you guys have a lot of nerve being out on this water”. Later on the radio we heard another barge say,”those guys ar living dangerously”. To be honest I do not get it yes the river is faster than last time but we do have the rocks on the wing dams to deal with so I feel safer than last time.

The plan was 34 miles to New Madrid where we stayed at the Relax Inn the last time down the river. Alas it is no longer there, at town “beautification” project according to the locals we talked with. We asked the police about camping at the boat ramp the answer was no, upstream a little bit but that was a lot of work. While we debated the plan another trip pulled in canoes and piled out. Turns out they stated at head waters and have been working down steam. They said they had 3 canoes and six people though we only saw two canoes. The parents of one of the boys arrived and had beer so I had one. Visited and reviewed notes about their adventures. Turns out they started in Cairo this morning that means they did in one what we do in 2 days of paddling, Oh to be young again. One of the canoes was not pulled far enough of water at the ramp and swamped washing out gear and stuff. So all that stuff is now spread out over the shore drying in the sunset. Di's map was also victim of the same wash over so they are out drying now.

A really nice guy offered to drive Di and I to dinner and we order take out for us and two extra plates for the other guys and they were scarfed up quickly. Turns out one of the kids did the AT last year and discussed that over dinner. Then Di and I paddled down the river a little and camped for the night. Sorry about the GPS but it stored away as it is late and no time to check right now.

3 herons
1 bald eagle
14 barges (5 down river)
6 run away red buoys
2 run away green
1 bobbing Green buoy (make it hard to know the channel now it is there now it is not)
4 canoeists
4 really nice support people
1 swamped canoe
4 sunburned kids
1 set of spooners
4 fishermen
Day 28 July 1
Happy Canada Day
Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad (61 years with that man how did you do it and that Gas)


Hot Hot Hot today bright blue sky and no shade on the river. We got off to good start this morning but the sun at 1 was beating down on us and there was no way to make next town today so decided to call it a day. We did call ahead and reserve a room for us though and we should make that by Noon tomorrow if we get a good start. I think both Di and I are feeling the heat so it was good decision to stay cool and reduce the output.

Not a lot of other stuff to talk about today. Saw the other trip all three canoes way across the river around 5 when it was the hottest. Kids sure have more energy than we do. Traffic was light and crossed the channel a couple times to save distance without problems. We are camped out on the TN side of the river so shade is really hard to find pitched the tarp and we move to keep in it's shade. Below is what I did during the hot part of the day

Well like I said not a lot happening out here so that the note for today. I would write what I was thinking about but it has to being hot and having a nap during the afternoon so not even great thinking going on in my head.

Here is sunset on the river

6 herons
2 big woodpeckers
6 run away red buoys
3 run away greens
7 barges
2 jumping carp
1 egret
1 tire
1 drum on shore
1 standing tow boat
2 run about boats
5 fishermen
1 crop duster

Good night to all stay cool.

Day 29 July 2

Hot again today but I don't care because after 25 mile found a hotel and took to the AC like ducks to water and loving it.

What to talk about this morning Pancakes for breakfast, I must be getting better at planning the meals as I fixed them faster than Dianne could pack the stuff in the tent including lighting the fire to cook them on. As my filter is working better had extra coffee and that might be the reason why Di paddle fast enough to get to Carutherville before lunch. (I bet it was just a desire to get out to the heat!)

Had a reservation at the Economy Inn but the Country Hearth Inn was closer (cost $30 more) but Dianne figured it was a better place so that is where are hanging our hats. They said there was a Laundry Mat close by but it was washed out during the flooding and has not been fixed yet. So the front desk said they would do it for $8 and said I would gladly pay $10 and that is what we did. I was pleased no work for me. Then had a relaxing lunch and beer at the casino where Dianne lost $2 without thinking and quit.

I then spent an hour mending my panty-hose and patching waterproof bags for electronics with duck tape and hope that will hold. The runs in stocking are starting to annoy me but but it would appear that sand is just grinding away the hose.

9 barges
2 Herons
3 channel crossing
1 good motel
2 dollars down in Casino
too many people in the casino to count
1 washed out wash house

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