Friday, July 29, 2011

Posted from Econolodge New Orleans

Day 53

Last night for supper we had Poppies Chicken not the best of meal but it was filling and above average for fast food. Then we walked arcoss the street to Zack's Ice Cream and each had a sundae that was a nice end to the day. The Family Dollar store was close by and as no restaurants were around for breakfast bought some instant coffee and sticky rolls for the morning. Again they are not the best breakfast I have had but a whole lot better than having to cook it myself after walking 0.8 miles back to the canoe. So that is how we ended yesterday and started today.

We watched the speeches on the debt crisis, before falling asleep and it made both of mad that those idoits do not seem to willing to work together to solve the problem. It aggravates me no end to hear those talking heads keep saying cuts to medicare and social security. Social security is not even suppose to be funded by our tax dollars and yet it is going to be reduced because the government spent money from it and now can't pay it back. Man to hear them talk about no new taxes also kills me if my social security is reduced (which is money I paid in) then I have been paying extra tax for more than 25 years.

Enough of a rant on taxes and stupidity in DC. What happened today you all want to know. Well we got the canoe and the cows had walked around it several time and left a small present close by but no damage. We loaded up and started out the first thing Dianne shows me the map and clearly we had to cross the channel to get to the east shore as there are 3 sharp lefts ahead for the day. We had to wait for a downstream tow, then a upstream ship, followed by 3 more downstream tows and an upstream tow. Finally we just said here is a clear spot we have to go now and off we went only to find a small Corp. of Engineer boat coming down on us. Well we nipped behind him and things worked out. At one point we could count 5 tows in sight at once what a busy place. Another location the the wakes seemed to have some magic multiplier to them and they were over 5 ft high. Talk about a bouncy ride. Once over we stayed over for the day.

The rain started at 9:30 AM lightly increasing to big time rain then tampering to showers at 11 that lasted till 1. Another short shower at 4 but nothing to get into a panic about. Dianne had selected 30 miles as the target stop point today in hopes of a good camping place. (also scheduling seems to work well for that distance) Having reached that distance at 1 and have a break in the weather it seemed like a good idea to stop when a campsite was found so a late lunch but an early stop. We down to less than 70 miles to the recommend stopping point from last trip that is one day further than we went in 04 so the time out is getting short.

Well have to cook dinner soon Gumbo today hope all the meat is still good.

7 Sea going ships (three of them we passed close enough to have crews shout down to us
10 loaded barges
1 dredge
1 ferry boat
3 herons
35 egrets
3 power boats (one stopped and asked if were OK, it was raining and wanted to say yes but insane)

Love and Kisses

Day 54

N 30.01945
W 90.71867

Kind of sad today as it should be last night sleeping on the river, we covered more 30 miles and that leaves only 34 to where we were recommend to get out in 04. Right now we are about 2 miles from where we ended the trip last time so we go another 30 miles tomorrow. That will put us right outside of the Airport, the river is getting busy and this will only get worse as we get closer to New Orleans.

Started off as an OK morning with a heavy dew and I suspected that would turn against us latter in the day and I was right. It warmed up clouded over and then rained starting at 10 and lasting till 3 when we stopped for the day. We did not even think about crossing the channel today and the couple of times Dianne used the radio to tell barges or tows where we were she either did not get an answer or it rude one. Upstream whenever we talked to the barge operators they were always polite, but since Baton Rouge that rule seems to of been lost on people here. I guess we are getting closer to a big busy city and the big busy attitude is coming though.

The trip took us though Donaldsonville and St. James harbor and they were both busy with tows moving and sea ships moving or being tendered. At one point we paddled by at least 3 miles of barges loaded with coal all banked on the left side of the river don't ask how many but at least at 500 hundred at 7200 tons each that is a lot of coal. Must be a load getting ready to leave for loading onto a ship or a ship that unloaded and the barges are waiting to be moved up river.

At the end of the day we found a nice sandbar and stopped to camp. Then latter a family showed up fishing and the father, came over to talk. Did he ever have an Louisiana accent it made almost hard to understand, We talked about where we came from and how we planned the trip and talked about fishing. Turns out the sandbar is only 4 years old and US Corp of Engineers wants to dredge it up. The local like so they are fighting this change. The other thing that got answered was the mystery stuff we saw just before stopping. There was a flag pole with windmills on top and some patio furniture covered in mud. Turns out this guys family calls that spot a park and sit out there at night to watch the river. They had left the furniture just to see how much disposit the floods would leave.

Dianne wants to beat me again at dice how she always get the lucky roll I will never understand.

8 horses
1 mule
6 egrets
1 heron
5 fishermen
1 golf cart
16 tug boats
6 harbor runabouts
53 tow boats
22 loading crans
10 sea going ships
1 bridge
1 dredge

Day 55

Econlodge New Orleans Airport

Last night after visiting with the family for a while they went back to fishing and we had our spaghetti. As was getting the end of the trip Dianne made pudding use stuff up. Just as we about to start the pudding and play last game of dice the sister of the father, her husband and daughter arrived to visit with us. They stayed about 1 hour and told us about the history of the area and their family. Turns outs their grandparents had 13 kids that had 70 kids resulting in more than 120 grandchildren. At Christmas they light bonfires on the levee now limited to 20 ft high in 79 before the new rule was past they build a fire that was 70 ft high and it burnt for 3 week. The husband would swim across the river when he was younger and as he was not suppose to swim in the river had to hide the fact from his parents. The would know if he was in the water by the color of his underwear. So he and his bother would hide a pair in the trees that would wear swimming keeping the other pair clean and white. They were crazy nice people and just meeting them made doing this trip worth while.

We started paddling at the normal time of 8 and the weather was clear and sunny. Past under the 310 bridge and saw them unloading bauxite (aluminum ore). Then a busy busy port consumed much of the morning. When the river became a little less busy another nice area opened up and we stopped for a snack. Turned a corner and huge port started again. This time it was not so friendly to us as god made it rain. Did it ever rain visibility was down to feet and less. We want out of there as soon as possible as passed a set of parked barges god said, “just tie up behind the barge till next to you and be safe till the storm passes”. Well it was not god, it was the Point Clear on his bull horn, and were please he did as it was good advise it was thunderstorm and it was close overhead. Now completely soaked and wet we moved on once it eased up a little and we could see a bit. We stopped at Crescent City Boat services, and again it was a good choice. Except once we stopped a passing boat swamped us just as I was getting out and I was now wet and muddy.

The welder offered us a ride to the rental car location in the bed of his truck, we were too muddy to ride in his cab. Renting the car was a trip as they claimed not to have cars to do it at the airport the same agency did it right off. Shows some times asking different people give different advice results.

Andy our ferry is now working just as a note and the levee bike path is still open.

The plan for today is to party on Bourbon Street and start home tonight or tomorrow.

67 tow boats
at least 25 tug boats
21 sea going ships
5 egrets
3 blue herons
1 great adventure
1 really fun adventurous partner to do stuff with who puts up with a semi grumpy Al at times

Monday, July 25, 2011

Posted from Plaquemine Riverbend Motel

Day 52
Riverbend Motel
25140s Hwy 1 Plaquemine LA

We did off to good start this morning seeing a small buffet that would cost $10 per person compared to al-a-carte menu being only 8.99 with better choices so I enjoyed breakfast and it was better than offered by the buffet.

We then hiked back down to river and started to paddle out. The harbor was as expected to be busy and several tows moving around us just made me nervous and jumpy. We had to paddle past a second big tanker on the way out as well. Dianne really wanted to find a short cut around a 12 loop that really only moves us one mile further south. So we spent a little time searching for it. Although we did find it would have required two carries and that just didn't make sense to either of us so we did the paddle after all.

We passed one tow boat and the pilot came out of the bridge and asked, “Where yo'al going and where did you start?” When we told him New Orleans and we started in Indianapolis he shout back, “Hell, in that little thing, you are are crazy, good luck!” Again I suspect they are playing a game of “Driving for Al” or maybe, “Au Revoir Al” this being Cajun Country.

Just before noon the skies opened again just after Dianne listened to the radio and it said it was going to, “have scattered showers and locally heavy rainfalls with up to 1 inch accumulations in places”. Duh those clouds are pretty black and dark tell me something I did not know! So we stopped for lunch and put up the tarp to wait development.

After a lunch and lot of rain we started out and checked the GPS to find this hotel just about 6 miles off more like 8 miles of paddling. This we did, the map showed the boat ramp to get out at just past the ferry landing. We saw a boat ramp before the landing and stopped the hotel was still a mile off. So we decided to believe the map go to second ramp. But there was no second ramp, when the GPS said we getting further away I said stop. Dianne tried to get out and her crocks lost a button in the mud. We then went down another 100 yards, to more solid beach. Got out and walked back along the top of the levee to the town and the Motel. This is not a new building but the owners try really hard to keep the place clean and neat. It is a better than many places of the same age and they owners are really friendly so it is a great place to stay when in Plaquemine.

After dinner we stopped to have ice cream

3 sea going ships
15 barges
2 herons
1 really big thunderstorm
9 egrets
1 jumping fish too dumb to get out of the water but hit the bottom of the boat
3 run away red buoys

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Posted from the Belle Casio and Hotel in Baton Rouge

Day 48
N 31.25800
W 91.63734
Here are pictures of the Under the hill Saloon where we stayed and the Casino boat and bridge in Natchez.

Started the day a little last as the alarm I set did not go off. So we got up and were the first into shared bathroom had a shower, packed up and went out in search of breakfast. The casino did not serve until lunch time and they suggest the DQ. So hopped onto the shuttle to Casino Hotel and asked there the front desk gave us tickets to their continental breakfast. Not great, in fact the same stuff we had on the bicylcle trip through Natchez last fall, just cold cereal and Danish pastry and toast. But the Isle of Capri did not have to give us anything so for that we thank you.

Then a walk back and off down the river we went. The first tow we come to is a down stream on moving over to the side. This is tough as have to pass her and do not know which side to do it on. The shore side is normal but there is little room and if the tow really banks we could be in a lot of trouble, the river side is we lock her in as we pass. So Dianne hails her, no answer, Di repeats and still no answer. Now Dianne and I start discussing our options and drift up on the back side of the tow. Then suddenly over the radio we hear, “Calling Mary Kay there is a canoe drifting up behind you that has been trying tor reach you”. That did it the Mary Kay then told us to go on the river side and did. When were far enough down stream he then told us we were clear of their of bow.

The first two corners were easy not barges or tows. The next corner we could see a two way down there so we took a little longer route with out any problems. Then came 7 barges in the next 10 miles one after the other. Weird nothing for 2 hours then all of sudden a flood of tow boats.

When I got the campsite repair city started up. Somehow last night canoe developed a crack that had to be patched, Dianne paddle is looking a weak, and one of the food packs has holes in it. Stuff was a little rearranged but nothing was missing but stuff on arrive at the campsite was found damaged. Maybe some one sat on the canoe and shifted it enough to put pressure or abrade the pack and crack the shell and weaken Dianne Paddles, that all I can think of that could have caused so much damage. Anyway there is new glass on the canoe, Dianne's paddle now like here glasses has duct tape on it, and the pack has a new vinyl patches on it all better.

Well there is thunder out there so we have to cover the tent and turn the canoe over soon.

10 fish buoys
1 power boat
1 ferry (going down steam to who knows where
9 tows
1 barge laying tow
1 barge being unloaded
1 barge being loaded
11 egrets
2 herons
6 green run away buoys
3 red run away buoys

Love and Kisses Allan

Day 49
W 91.63798

Last night's thunder and lighting before going to bed amount to nothing. It caused us to pack the site up tight and put the tarp on the tent that only made the tent warmer during the night. It was just god playing a little trick on us.

This morning the skies were cloudy and dark so packed the canoe for rain, meaning everything is covered. Well it did rain only for a few seconds and then the threatened to rain the rest of the day. This is good new as the temperature was lower than normal so I was not as hot as the last few days. That did stop us from comsuming more than 2 gallons of water over the day.

The paddling in the morning was easy as there was no wind and the barge traffic was light. That made the first channel crossing easy and saved some distance. The next crossing we were held up by a down stream tow that was not moving too fast. That resulted in us having to add about 2 miles into the bend before starting to cut the corner. By lunch we had paddled just under 20 miles. That is where the day fell apart. The wind picked up, of course into our face slowing the pace of the day. Then we saw a ferry this confused the navigator, (not me) and we made the next cut too soon resulting in an added 2 miles. The result of all this is a day where we covered 34 river miles but hoped to reach 39 or 40. Now Dianne wants to try and make up the distance tomorrow so we can get to Baton Rouge the day after tomorrow.
Here are some bluffs on the river (not all that common so we have to add them)

We entered the state of Louisiana today fully, we have now LA on both sides of the river now and less than 200 more to go. I am getting eager to finish I am sore and grumpy so as with all very long trips like this one the end is looked forward to. Some one said the best two days on a trip like this are the first and the last. That maybe all true but it has some truth too it.

Well Dianne wants to beat me at dice again so goodnight.

Not a lot on the river today
6 barges
2 power boats
1 stash of buoys
3 herons
2 runaway red buoys
1 ferry at a new river crossing
11 egrets
Love and Kisses to all (and you know who too)

Day 50
N 30.66596
W 91.32763
Red Sky in the Morning sailors take warning.
Yep this is a red sunrise we should get wet today.

Long hard day covered more than 40 miles reaching the same spot we camped at in 04. Baton Rouge is now less than 20 miles and we should reach it sometime tomorrow morning or early afternoon. The biggest problem now it the weather has turned from stinking hot to stinking rain. It started to rain this morning and then reconsidered the plan, placing blue skies and light breezes in our path. Then the at a confusing part of the map (new bridge over the river) with a busy facility (power plant), it started tor rain and blow. So we had to crossing the channel with a cross wind, poor visibility a small harbor tow running around and thunder and lightening in the sky. As we had already come 30 plus miles I was grumpy wet and sore not a good combination for conservation with Allan.

A strange thing though we saw 8-9 people just sitting out on the side of the bank watching the rain and enjoying it. I guess it so warm here getting a little wet and cool in the afternoon is not a bad thing.

All the channel crossing were uncontested even the last one although I rushed over as we really could not see far enough to know for sure that we were not interfering with anyone.

As the rain started late that required us to pitch in the rain, another joy for me. I hate pitching tents in the rain. The new tents all have a rian tarp that goes over the bug tent that we sleep in. So when it is raining when you pitch evertyhing inside the tent gets wet. So you have to rush the pitching to attempt at least to keep stuff dry. We did OK and the inside of the tent is dry so I can not complain although I would like to.

Well thunder is all around again and it is spitting a little so I am going inside where it is dry and hopefully not too sandy.

13 egrets
1 coffee cup
4 power boat
11 fishermen
1 run away red
11 barges (8 within the first hour of starting out)
9 blue herons
1 washed out cabin
1 palm tree
1 refrigerator

Love and kisses

Day 51
Belle of Baton Rouge Casino and Hotel

Woke up early to the sound of the mosquitoes just outside of the tent. As it was early the sun was not up yet and the bugs were really busy. I hopped out of the tent quickly and tried to put on the stocking as fast I could but 10 bugs would just land on the other leg. Compression stocking are so hard to put on it requiring both hand so I had be quick in trying to kill the stupid bugs on the other as soon as I could get one hand free. In addition to all that the little bugs can bite me right though the socks and that is a bite so some of my socks in the laundry have little spots of blood on them.

Right after that is started to drizzle rain a little. I said yesterday nothing is worse worse than setting or taking down a campsite in the rain, except taking it down with rain and bugs too! Really I should not complain too much as the rain stopped and we had a dry a breakfast and the gear was only damp not sopping wet so it was not a wash out like on the Ohio river.

The paddle to reach the Baton Rouge area is not too horrible a total of 27 miles in less than 4 hours so we did pretty good overeating over 6 miles an hour. The traffic during the paddle into town was light only two barges to deal with and they were no where in sight during the channel crossing we had to do.

Now paddling though Baton Rouge area harbor that is a different story. This is the first location where sea going vessels can reach as the river is deep enough for them. So we did see our first really big ship tied to shore unloading (I think) at the Exon dock. It is a little intimidating to paddle beside something that big. The harbor is also very busy. Tows coming this way, moving a barge that way, even a little tug boat running around. At one point a tow was just sitting in place for a long time and then as I approached it started to move out, so I moved closer to shore. Another time an empty tow was racing down the harbor putting out a huge wake then stopped when he saw us, only to race on again after we past. The decks hands on another tow yelled over to us and wished us luck. Not sure what for, maybe now it is a game to see if they can collect us before we reach New Orleans or maybe just luck against what sounds like a lousy forecast for weather. It is forecast to likely rain for the next couple of days with temperatures only in the 80s that is better than high 90s so again I should keep my mouth shut.

2 herons
1 cooler
20 tow (estimated as I was too busy trying to hide from them)
2 casino boats
1 destroyer (Fletcher Class USS Kidd)Here is a picture just to prove I am not seeing things

1 sea going tanker
1 tug boat
5 fishing boats
1 harbor boat racing around
2 guys actually fishing
Way too many barges banked to count
1 bridge
1 observation dock

When I check my emails Dave the guy that tour the Mississippi and around in small outboard motor boat sent this picture of Dianne and I paddling just north of Greenville MS. Thanks Dave

Love and Kisses to all

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Posted from the Famous Under the Hill Saloon

Day 45
Gps shows me in the middle of the river but I am on an island
W 91.11611

Started this morning treating poison ivy. As always happen get it one place and the immune system thinks you have it everywhere. It is not a bad out break and the combination of Absorbine Jr and Benedyl seem to work well in control the out break in fact the only spot that look really bad is on my small of back where I could not reach.

We packed the room and had breakfast at the buffet it was great for $6 I had eggs, corn beef hash, sausage, bacon and a waffle with 3 cups of coffee all with out sand. Talk about living the high life!

Then back to the river leaving Vicksburg was too much trouble just a long paddle straight down a long section of very wide river. The damage the floods did to a couple of the casinos is still visible as you can see the window and roof missing in two of them. We then crossed the river and saw even worse damage to some cabins in on the shore. Some of them are fixed up again and some must be waiting for money or just being replaced and they have not gotten to pulling they down yet.

The weather was misty rain most of the day. Sometime heavier rain sometime more mist. When we passed one tow that was acting a little strange, I asked Di to call him and see what he need us to do. His response was, “OH I have been watching you all, you are fine I am waiting for a boat just keep on coming the coarse you are on”. The Southbound boat then jumped in with, “Just stay really close to shore do not get in my way”. The northbound boat said to us, “where you guy are no one will hit you just keep coming down”. Dianne was a little put out at the southbound boat feeling he insulted her intelligence, by suggest we would stay out of the way of the northbound and then cut off the southbound boat. Me I just did not care these guys have a tough job and really even if we stay out of their way they still feel interfere with work, that I think would be stressful without us in the picture. In this bend we saw 5 tows and that resulted us having to take the long way around the bend not the inside cut. That is just the way it goes we have to stay out of the way of the barges so no hard feelings.

Our target distance today was to match the distance travel in 04 which was 30 mile but when we reached that distance the camping was bad as the water was too high and the heat was so low that we decided to look for better camping. The next 4-5 mile was very discouraging as the shore was out of side behind flooded trees. I was begaining to give up hope when two island not on the map appeared before me. On the north end of one was a wonderful open shady campsite with good breeze. The only problem is the sand is again in everything again.

1 nuclear power plant
1 coal plant
18 cranes
1 tow with buoys on it
15 fishing buoys
11 egrets
5 buzzards
2 power boats
7 run away red buoys
2 run away green buoys
14 fishing buoys
11 no tresspassiing signs (we had lunch under one)

Love and kisses (and you know who there are for)

Day 46

Last night was cool and a couple of times I had to pull the covers over myself the morning was comfortable. We got off to a good start and the first channel crossing to get inside track was a piece of cake.. Second crossing was a little harder as we had to content with two barges but still got the bigger bite of the turn. The third was again a challenege but we made the turn on the inside and found a campsite a mile down river from the 04 trip.

We stopped for lunch on a shady spot and it was not so hot that swimming was not even discussed. However after the lunch the skies cleared and the temperature soared and was blazing. We found the campsite and I went in for a dip with the new crocks on right away. I felt much better after the swim.

One interesting thing today two jet ski raced over to say HI this morning. The normal 14 questions and it turns out they started in Oklahoma City. Kind of neat that have now met people that are doing the river from 3 or 4 different start points and doing in 3 different kind of crafts. When it is this warm out I wish I could go faster and feel the breeze but then when it clear and cool at night in the tent and I can see the stars I am glad I am doing it this way this time.

Well tomorrow only 12 miles to Natchez so it will be a short day. Although I like camping I will be pleased to grab a hotel.

6 green run away buoys
2 red run aways
6 barges
1 buoy laying barge
1 crane on a barge
1 soccer ball (a number 4)
1 hot afternoon (pleased with the shade in the campsite)
2 jet skis
3 working power boats (might the same one seen in three different places)

Love and Kisses to all the people who did not claim yesterday's (those that did claim it yesterday can have extras today)


Day 47
Under the Hill Saloon

A short paddling day having to only cover 12 miles to the reach Natchez. The one crossing we had to make was easy as no tows were in sight so there was no rush and easy handling of the canoe. Later as we approached Nathez we saw 5 tows at once all coming up stream and all I could say was that I was glad I was on the correct shore as crossing over would have been impossible with the boats out there.

This morning that little work boat that has been around was seen motoring up the river. I beginning to think he is following us but I do know that I nothing that would interest anyone to make it worth while spending that much time and effort.

Once in Natchez we checked into the same bed and breakfast (Under the Hill Saloon) that we stayed in last time down the river. I suspect that there will be loud music again but the room is great and the rate is fair so I do not mind at all. (They still stick dollar bills into the ceiling for parties downstairs. (they do this by passing a tack through a bill, backing it with 4 quarters, twisting the bill to hold the quarters and throwing it up). The still have good beer and I one when we arrived even though it was well before lunch time.

After cleaning up washing the laundry and taking care of our stuff. We did a walk up to Pig Out Inn for a BBQ lunch, that was great. Then off to the visitors center where we saw the movie of Natchez that explained the history of the town and we had a few of Dianne's favorite southern pralines. Everone recommends seeing the Longwood home, so even though I saw it with Andy and Angel(not Angle) I went to see it again. The owner and builder owned over 900 slaves, 6 plantations, and 44,000 acres of land. He lost it all in the civil war and wife live in the basement for 33 years. The basement was a hardship to live in as it only had 10,000 sq. ft of living space out of the 30,000 they had plans for. Seem so hard. During the tour met a couple that offered to drive us back to the saloon and then are having dinner with us later tonight, again the kind and courteous show though all the time in these trips. It is the very kindness like that makes travel this simple and fun. Thanks Dave and Mureen

5 egrets
1 power boat
2 herons
7 tows
8 egrets
1 really nice bar keeper
2 super kind people

Love and Kisses

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Posted July 17 from Grand Station Casino Vicksburg

Day 41
No Gps in Tent we hope to record in morning
Ok so Dianne said I had to find in the morning and put the Position in today so here they are
Everybody Happy
Last night dinner was at the Shotgun BBQ and it was great so here is the picture of the place

We are on the west side of the river directly across from where we camped in 04. This means we covered the same distance plus 4 miles in Greenville Harbor or just over 34 miles. Vicksburg is the next town and Dianne is trying to get us there in 3 camping nights arriving the morning of the 4th day.

The Comfort Inn on Walnut is the place to stay in Greenville the breakfast was great and the people were not only very friendly but helpful too. The shuttle that took us to the Casino where we left the canoe looked a little confused when we got on the the pack and asked to go to the casino. But when we got out and started working on the loading the canoe she was interested and stopped to ask us a ton of questions.

The day was not quite as hot as the last couple so we paddled after a lunch break. It did get hot in the afternoon as the sun came out more strongly. I have a heat rash all over my back and arms now. Dianne claims Benadryl will help as that is what they use on babies when they have that problem.
The only other exciting news is the campsite we had targeted has a Posted NO Trespassing sign. We just ignored it.
There is thunder all around us and we are hoping it rains to cool things down in the morning but this evening it cleared up and a full moon showed up during our swim to stay cool. Well I am going put some cream on the heat rash, (not a sunburn as I am wearing a shirt all day.)

4 small fishing boats
8 tows
one and half -bridges (one bridge was only half there as they are taking it down)
10 egrets
7 jumping fish
1 wrecked tow washed up on shore
1 casino boat washed up on shore
1 small tow working in the harbor
2 barges being loaded

Typing in the dark sucks. Man can we ever hear the buzz of bugs outside here rather than crickets that have been more normal lately.
Love to all

Day 42
Stopped early enough to get GPS out so here is the Position
W 91.09663

Here is a picture of the bridge leaving Greenville.

The weather was bearable today, it is hot but so hot as stop us and bearable enough that we got a pretty good start The campsite was hot in the morning and the start of the paddling was a little intense but it clouded over and we good time. When we stopped for lunch, and a cooling swim it clouded over and rushed to get started again. Then the thunder and slight wind and cooling temperature and both Di and I thought good here comes the cooling storm. No, it did rain a very little and now every thing is cleared up and hot again but the humidity is higher kind of sucks. It did all that just to make us rush to shore and grap a campsite and do a lot of really hard fast paddling and did not really rain at all. Just made my shirt and pants hard to dry after the lunch swim. Did even less last night just put out some lighting and a clap thunder and stopped. But I should not complain too much as the temperature fell enough for good sleeping.

The barge traffic was light again today except whenever we crossed the channel then we always saw 3 barges racing around each other and making it hard for us to figure out where they were going.

Today we crossed the channel 4 times and covered 30 miles putting just one mile shy of the distance we did in 04. I can not believe it was 7 years ago that we did that trip but it is my does time fly when you are having fun.

We are looking foreward to Vickburg but will be arriving on Saturday so I am hoping all the hotels are not full. I think we will stay at the Casino by the landing ramp but can not find the number for it on the GPS so will play it by ear.

On the compression stocking front things are getting worse the pair I am wearing have the right heel patched with duct tape a new hole has appeared in the right toe. It left heel had a small hole in it which I patched with mole skin that has now ripped off an the whole heel is sticking out. I guess I will try duct tape tonight to patch it. I worry about stocking as do have the many spare pairs.

While that is the day I will take a short nap before dinner.

2 egrets
1 run away green
2 run away reds
1 heron
6 jumping minnows (not big enough to call fish)
9 barges
2 small run about boats
1 tow placing buoys
1 deer

Love and kisses to all.

Day 43

Left comfortable tent and sleeping conditions when we woke up this morning. But has still been more than week of camping outside where I never cover up in the tent. So although comfortable it is still quite warm out here.

We started off with a channel crossing and just before starting across a barge show up upstream from us and therefore I had take the corner a little wide then I had to take the next corner wide too as there were 3 barges to cope with there. Even with all that traffic we still did well covering 34 miles having only 10 miles left to Vicksburg tomorrow, so that should be a very short day.

Lunch and swim close to some new wing dam construction new to a field that is laying fallow this year most likely because of flooding. We also passed a small village of cabins build next to the river that are obviously more than just a cabin for the people. Of the 8 cabin two were still showing a lot of damage due to flooding and will have to be rebuild or just torn down.
Here is a picture floating at lunch

When we started to look for a campsite it started to rain and not the light stuff of the last few day but a real gully washer which soaked my clothes for the second time of the day. The temperature drops so the humidity is 100% and nothing has dried like it did during the day. So right now I am guessing I will put on wet clothes in the morning,OH WELL!

The shore at the campsite is interesting as the sand is just fluid enough to let you sink in making getting in and out of the water difficult.

The other bad news of the day in when I opened the curry the meat had spoiled. This is means the meal was meatless as we had it packed separate from the other ingredients. What makes it odd is that is was store bought jerky not my products, all of my ingredients still were OK.

Well the bugs are driving me into the tent now.

10 barges and tows on the river
2 harbor tows moving barges around
11 fishing boats racing around us
1 raccoon
3 guys actually fishing
1 dredge working
too many mosquitoes to count buy I am done for the day

Love and Kisses

Day 44

Grand Station Casino and Hotel in Vicksburg MS on the Yazoo River

I missed stating that the west bank of the river is now Louisiana and no longer Arkansas so we are now into the last state that have to pass though. This trip we will cover 8 states total so making it this far always feels good.

The weather is still hot but a little less so today and last night for the first time I pull the covers over onto myself. So maybe the worse of the really stinking hot weather is over and we down to just the really hot weather one can only hope! Sleeping last night the dredge could be heard all night , it did not bother me that much as I kept dreaming about traveling on a plane and wake up hoping for some meal service or drinks. It was a pleasant dream right up to waking up and finding out there was no drink service to be had.

Hiding among the gear this morning I found two crayfish (or Crawdads) they would try to look mean with their pincers but were easy to relocate so no one was hurt.

It was short paddle into Vicksburg taking only a couple of hours putting into a room just after 11AM. Being early meant that we did our laundry in the room sink and they are drying (I am not optimistic about having dry clothes for tomorrow, I think damp but clean will be dress code starting out, as compared to damp and sandy for starting out today!) Just for the record we try to keep the river clothes down to one set as they are basicity dirty all the time while paddling and camping any ways so there is little reason to have two or three dirty sets of clothes.

Once in Vicksburg Dianne review all the river murals and learned the history of the town and river running though it. Then after cleaning up we had brunch in the casino buffet and walked downtown. The main street here is Washington St. and it was dead not many of the stores open and hardly any people just walking around. We did find 2 stores open and bought a second towny shirt and a pair of crocks for me, replacement batteries for flashlights and air pump, and new glasses again her 5 pair this trip.

Here is a picture of me in my river clothes before cleaning up and Dianne in here towny clothes touring Coco-Cola muesum.

Then we toured the first Coca Cola bottling plant and museum not a lot stuff there except old coke bottle and lots of example of advertising used by the company over the years. They also had a complete soda fountain from the 1900s but it was cool and to see it all. We will have dinner soon and maybe watch the USA women soccer team attempt to take the worlds cup a second time.

1 foot with signs of poison Ivy
3 tow boats moving
2 at banked being loaded or unloaded
1 egret
1 casino boat
1 great lunch
2 crayfish

Love to all and go USA

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Comfort Inn Greenville MS July 13

Day 35

Was it ever a good decision to stay at the Fitz yesterday! It rained last night and we got to stay nice and dry. Then the morning buffet which was free had a little of everything you could ask for it was a lovely, lovely experience.

It was already hot by the time we started down to the canoe. We had a late start as I (stupidly) loss my hat during check in yesterday by leaving it by the counter. It was in such bad shape being 5 years old some picked up and most likely threw it away. So when the gift shop opened I went in and bought a Fedora hat made of straw. It is cooler than the old camping hat I had so I am thinking that is pretty good.

Di says I am now stlying

Then off down the river again. Barge traffic was either very heavy or not there at all we went 2 hours without seeing one then saw 5 at once then another 1.5 hour and 3 at once. Out of 4 channel crossing only once did we have to worry about a barge and once we had to wait for a barge to pass us by before starting out. During one short cut we became grounded and had to get out and pull canoe off the sand. This is tough doing this as you are ground here and 3 step and you are over you head so have to be careful moving around and as work the back if I push really hard sometime I can push Dianne into one of those hole and I am in trouble. Anyways even with all that we covered 36 miles todays again double what we did in 2004. The river is so different this year all our old campsites are under water.

Well I am hot and I have to patch Dianne sunglasses agains here 5th pair this trip and I have a leak in the water filter I need to work on.

5 egrets
11 barges
7 cabins by the river (0ne we stayed in 7 years ago is off it foundations)
2 jumping fish (not good jumps though)
4 runabout boats
1 pleasure craft
1 house boat
4 run away green buoys
2 run away red buoys
1 red buoy way out of place for the channel (it is not counted as a run away as it was still in the river)

Love and Kisses

Day 36
July 9

I thought it could not get any hotter down here in Old Miss and just to prove me wrong they gave me a whopper of a day. One of the Marine radio services is that it gives you the weather whenever you want to hear it. I find it useless first I know what is happening now and I am as good as they at telling that there is 20% chance of thunderstorms when it is hot and humid as hell and I can see the sky pretty well so I know when to take shelter. So today's weather advisory came as no surprise to me it is hot and humid and they tell us the heat index as 110F. Jess I was sweating already I really didn't need to know how bad it was. Anywise taking into account the temperature and the fact that we traveled 26 miles we called it a day at 1 and found some shard and got all wet and tried to stay cool as possible. Good Idea!! but it is now 2 hours after swimming in my clothes to wash up and cool off and they are still wet it that humid out here. That is enough complaining for today I think.

This morning we got out early as possible to beat the heat, but some fishing boat went by out tent this morning before sunrise shouting wake up, wake up you sleep heads. So others were out even faster than us

Down the river another fishing boat pulled up beside us Mike and Dave, they were on ESPN last year and on Riverlorian site. They visited us a few minutes and looked a whole cooler than I felt with a cover over their heads. They started in Cairo only two days ago so I guess they are moving more than 7 times faster than we are. They also had a cooler but did not offer to share anything, no offence we did not stop paddling, as I was in hunt for shade mode by that time, any sharing would required me to stop and that was not going to happen till I found some release from the heat.

Barges were traveling in packs again today and we spent a lot time crossing the channel just enjoying the current and staying in the middle. As the packs were not around when we need to cross and only showed later when we already out of the way.

Well that the day in a nutshell. Hope we get wet tonight it would cool things off some. But I doubt it as it heat advisory is for Sunday too.

Dianne took this picture of the Run away green just so show what a buoy looks like. I think it would be hard to keep this on either side of the boat.

3 jumping carp
6 fishing boats
16 barges
1 egret
7 geese (one of the few flocks we have seen since leaving IN
1 horse fly (tried to kill it but missed it)
4 run away green buoys
3 run away red buoys
1 red buoys out of position
1 refrigerator door
1 refrigerator (not sure if related to door)
Love and kisses to all.

Day 37

It stayed hot all last night even after the sunset. Dianne and I had a swim before going to bed and then another after sweating it out in tent for a couple of hours. In fact at 1:30 AM we got up took the tarp off the tent to increase the ventilation in the tent then went in swimming for few minutes to cool off and slept much better. The weather today is a repeat of yesterdays no rain or thunderstorms in the forecast though so have decided to sleep with out tarp and get as much cooling as possible tonight again as forecast is a repeat of last nights.

We left the campsite early as possible and started to paddle there was a breeze into out faces which cooled us and made the day bearable. But at 12:30 we had covered 25 miles and found a spot with lots of shade and called it a day. Right after lunch the weather station said the temperature was 100 and heat index 108 so it was good time to stop and collect our thoughts. I have gone swimming in all clothes then put them out to dry on a clothe line that hope will remove the stink.

At 6 this morning we saw about 3 bass boats whiz past our campsite and then a couple during the day. Later in the day while at the campsite another 20 came past all flying like the devil himself was behind them. So I guess there was fishing tournament in the area today. Kind of hot for one but hey they are on water and have AC at home and in their cars to here I bet.

Here is a picture of a cotton hauler washed down the river!

Well not a lot more to talk about so I am calling it a day.

15 barges (only 2 down river)
26 bass boats
1 jumping fish
1 run away red buoy
1 water melon piece floating in the river
7 butterflies
3 channel crossing

Hot love and Kisses (you might not want to get too close as I am a little sweaty and stinky when you try to collect the hugs or kisses)

Day 37

Hot one again today just like yesterday and the day before. We are coping with the heat OK but I do sweat a lot deer flies and gnats are beginning to really bug the heck out of me. I currently have two different types of repellent on and they are still here, maybe I should sit where the smoke is and wear a shirt but it is just too hot to put something on, beside it is all clean after swimming in it so I do not want to get wet with sweat. So I will suffer silently with the bugs like all Rodens do.
We are trying to beat the heat so we get up early so here is a Picture of the sunrise.

The river was really really busy we saw 18 barges moving in less than 4 hours of paddling and some of that time we were in back waters. This made channel crossing a hectic affair and some of the barges just do not like us. One guy said, “you are doing a good job staying our of the way but you would much safer on the buffalo river”. We did not answer back not knowing what to say.

At noon we had made 26 miles and cut one last corner looking for a campsite. IT did not work out well!
Two and half hours latter we finally found a campsite and the adventures we had. Twice we had to beat our way though willow forests, and once had to turn back around and start down the river. That time we saw a couple of water moccasin snakes and we didn't want to get out there to pull the canoe around some down trees and a what appeared to a beaver dam. At another place 4 carp jumped together and that was also really exciting as it made Dianne rock the canoe.

Had gumbo for the first time this trip and it a lot better than lintel stew or beef stew. Well the flies are winning the battle to drive me inside the tent.

1 truck for cotton washed down the river
1 ATV washed up on the side of the river
1 refrigerator
4 egrets
3 blue herons
1 deer
2 barges tied to shore loaded with timber
1 tractor for clearing roads
3 small runn about boats
2 water snakes
2 turtles
9 Run away reds buoys
4 run away green

Love to all (except the bugs)

Day 38
W 91.17557

Weather is again hot and forecast again said all the heat warning and advisory for the area. Including stay out of the sun, indoors with AC and avoid strenuous outdoor activity. I am not sure what to do about all that information we are travelling in the morning and trying to find cool shade in the afternoon. Right now the temperature announced on the radio is 101F with a heat index 112 The part of what is bothering me is that they keep stretching the heat warning day by day. The heat is getting to me I need some AC and tomorrow the plan is to hit Greenville MS and stay the afternoon and evening. Should make it there in the morning as we covered 31 miles today leaving only 12 to go, although the GPS says it is only 11 miles, I think we will need to paddle a little up the Greenville harbor to reach the place so I put the estimate 16 miles to paddle tomorrow.

This morning a fisherman came into our launch site to chat and that some time in visiting and explaining what we doing. We got off and made good time all morning very few barges so a lot of the time we stayed in the channel. In one of the short cuts we came out into the channel and never realized we back on the river till I saw a bunch of channel markers. We did make the next cut though and saw a fisherman there. Then we saw a fisherman and he said he thought he was getting cold. I suggested he turn off the air conditioning. The campsite we found was empty when we arrived but some trucks came down a road close by and they brought guns and are out practicing think I will wonder over and see what up .

That is about it for the day. It is cooler in the shade but is still very hot. Hope we do not miss Greenville tomorrow I need to rest and get my head back into this trip.
Here is a picture of me cooking in the shade of the trees where we try to hide from the sun.

9 egrets
2 barges
3 butterflies
2 herons
3 fishing boats
2 timber barges
4 run away red buoys
4 Really nice guys

Love to all

Day 40
Greenville Comfort Inn

Made it to AC this morning about 11:30 after doing the estimated 16 miles I guessed yesterday.

The walk over to the trucks yesterday turn very well. Turns out we are camped on one of the Premier Hunt Clubs in Mississippi. The cost seem really high $250,000 to buy in and then you get to build a camp and hunt a limited amount to maintain the stock. This club controls 5600 acres of land and has 40 member mostly from Louisiana. The owners were flooded out this year and most have already started to rebuild. From talking to the owner it sounds like most of the people use the cabins like a cottage and go up year round for fishing, hunting and just hanging out drinking good bourbon and watching the football team. At the river there were 4 people 3 young guys working for the owner tearing down the old place which was a write off due to floods and owner. What made the walk over worth while was the free beer they gave me and then they shared some of the excellent ribs they were cooking. Real food and beer you can not complain about that. They even gave us some hope about shortening the paddle a little which sort of work out but the shortening was not as much as I would have liked.

After the ribs were cooked they came over and gave us some and took off. So Dianne and I still got to go for the before bed skinny dip. So it was a good for everyone's sex life they left when they did! Thanks guys it is meeting nice guys like you all that make doing trips like this interesting and bearable.

The heat advisory is still on and man it is hot out there today. We did paddle the 16 miles and sweat like dogs out there. So when we got to town we started to look for hotels and the closest two were closed due to flooding. The Comfort Inn was open though so we moved the canoe close to the casino and hopped into the shuttle ride over. The Comfort Inn guest laundry is not working but the manger here said they would do our clothes for us. Again another minor miracle of travel nice people and good places to stay so a big thanks to the Comfort Inn too! (Maybe not as big as for free Ribs and cold beer though that is really special.)

On the river side of things the only interesting is the number of moving barges we saw during the 2 hours we on the river. There were 9 barges in less this short morning of time on the river. We crossed over early without problems. One of the barges saw us early and told the other barges where we were. Dianne then got on the radio and informed them of our plan to stay close to the left bank. When the down stream barge finally caught up to us he said we had made really good time.
Dianne was a big winner again today playing the slots with a dollar she won 37 cents and called it so we are now about even at the casino. Here in town you can see the damage the floods caused as all the eating places are closed.

Here is Dianne as a winner

2 flocks of Egrets
9 barges moving
3 tows in dry dock
1 small flock of ducks
6 small fishing boats running around Greenville harbor
5 guys fishing
3 dead fish
1 small working harbor tow
3 harbor tows tied to shore not working
1 small house boat on it side on a barge at the US coast guard base in Greenville Harbor

Love and Kisses to all AC is great

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Posted from Fitz Casino in Tunica Mississippi (MS) July 7

Day 34

What can I say god smiled on me today!!!
Two days in row in a hotel room what a deal. I mean it, it is a great deal here at Fitz they are charging $35 for a room. That included a free breakfast buffet too how could we say no, Dianne just said we will take it and it was just a very short walk from the boat ramp better still. No fire to light or tent to pitch. What a deal!

God also gave us a break from the heat today by raining most of the morning keeping the temperature below 80 all day. So we took full advantage and covered more than 38 miles, the distance we did in 2 days last time in just one day today. We were very lucky with the wind and weather so I can not complain.

Leaving Memphis this morning we met two gentlemen looking at our canoe when we arrived where we left it. They had good clothes on so I was not worried about them, in fact I am starting to think I could that canoe anywhere and no one would take it. These guys we saying that is the way the pioneers traveled down the river. Dianne and I said that is the way we do it today, and started loading up. We explained as we loaded the canoe what was in each pack and how the canoe was build and where we started and how long we had been on the trip for. They started taking pictures and asking questions etc. Then we started off and they even went ahead of us and took more pictures of working down the shore. It is good to see people get so excited by things and showing an interest in what we are doing so thanks a lot guys hope you had a good day too!

Very first thing we had to do is go under two bridges, the I40 Dolly Parton Bridge and the I55 bridge, while crossing the channel to cut a corner. I underestimated the current there and man did we fly downstream even while paddling 90 degrees to the current. At one point I thought we might hit a bridge peer but cleared it without problems. Then we started to cut all the corners today meaning we crossed the channel 6 times in all, three time is sight of barges approaching us. (They never were close to us and were always out of the channel before the even started to get close but it still causes us to work just a little harder when you see something a 1/4 mile long approaching you)

Dave I said HI to the Kudzu just for you as I went by the I55 bridge! (those that followed the bike trip should understand)

Rain started around 10 and it was raining at lunch so I pitched the tarp to stay dry. That crazy tarp we bought really wants to pitch and goes up easy making the decision to put up an simple. It was during lunch that Dianne realized how close we getting to a casino we skipped last and we decided to try for it. We reached the ramp at around 4 pm which is really not bad time for us. Dinner at the buffe which was also good. Dianne then played at the Casino for a hour and made a whopping 16 cents so even the luck gods were with us. So
now off to a warm, dry, bug free, sand free,and with pillow bed.

Count today
2 herons
2 jumping fish
1 egret
1 roof no house attached
4 red run away buoys
3 green run away buoys
1 crane loading a brage
4 small harbor tows working
3 banked tows
10 runing barges
6 channel crossings
2 bridges

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Posted July 6th Memphis Comfort Inn

Day 30
July 3

Had Dinner at the Casino last night and that fun as they had a good steaks and ribs were excellent.

Got moving early and we were the first group at breakfast. We had taken the packs down with us and the owner rushed out after us to give us a couple of bananas. We said thanks but were coming back in for breakfast. She then made waffles for breakfast and biscuits and sausages as well so it was good place to stay and the owners work really hard to made you comfortable and happy. So the Casino Inn in Carathersvilles is the place to stay.

On leaving town we had to cross the channel and take several short cuts on the TN side of the river. The first one would give any canoe handler an adrenaline rush as it started in a bunch of willows and only got worse for a while. I working hard to steer the boat and telling Di when to bow rudder. I made on bad mistake and that was not to tell her which side and that almost was a disaster but she fixed it fast and all was good. The rest of that channel was OK.
Pasted this wreck in the cut

The next two short cuts were just washed over sand bars and required almost no work at all except on one crossing the traffic was a little busy. The Austin Stone tow was as surprised to see us as I was to see him when we popped out from behind an island and he was heading up river without any barges. The current took the canoe too far out and he slowed for us and Dianne called and say thanks. They seem like they were not upset by about the whole thing. I must admit I was not thrilled when I first saw him and I started to move for shore as hard as my “oar” would move me!

Found a good shady spot around 2:30 and laid up to wait out the heat of the day and just passing time while water filters.

Here is how sitting up a campsite works out. Finding a likely spot takes the most time and requires some planning during the day. Once we touch shore Di gets out and makes a preliminary survey and if acceptable I get out and finalize the plan of excately where to pitch stuff. Then the canoe is hauled up and unloaded. Dianne fishes out of the food pack the stuff for dinner and food for tomorrow. Then the food packs are covered with the canoe. Next comes the tent pitching. Once that is done together Dianne organizes the inside of the tent and I start work on the tarp. If all goes well with the tarp I will move on to the fireplace and wood gathering. Dianne arrives to help with the wood. Usually about the time the wood is collected it is time to start dinner and finish out the day.
Here is our tent on the beach we camped on.

1 tire
2 balls
3 john boats
17 barges (only 4 down river)
2 red run away buoys
2 green run away buoys
5 herons
3 fishermen
1 washed and still flooded building
1 tow boat washed up onto shore
3 parked tow boats
1 tow moving with nothing
4 channel crossings

Love to all and good night

Day 31
July 4

Getting into the habit of waking early 5:30 am just before the sun is up but after the dark hours are done. This allows us to get moving a little earlier and beat the heat a little more. It is warm here for sure. In addition to moving and stopping early we also dump water all over ourselves to stay cool while in the sun. This make it a little like sitting in a pool of water all day while working the paddle it does work but feels odd.
As we get up early Dianne takes pictures of Sunrise here is one such picture

The day started as normal and we made great time reaching our destination Oseceola AR around 3 but alas the hotel or motel I had hoped for was not to be as all my friends in this town have moved or are very busy and exit to the town is impossible for a canoe. So the closest hotel was 1.6 miles and we could carry the packs that far. OH Well Memphis is only 2 days off so thing should be OK there.

The weather forecast is good hot humid and 20% chance of showers and thunderstorms. This means from, what I have experienced, it will really hot in morning with blue skies then a shower and heavy winds in the afternoon and hot humid nights making sleeping under anything hard to do. So we are currently sleeping on the bag and hoping not to let too many bug into tent as we come in or go out. We have a bug killing time just after we get into the tent after the before bed swim.

It being July 4 I am taking the rest of the night off Dianne wanted a 3 course meal soup, spaghetti, and a cake for dessert so I have been working hard around the fire and I am done for the day. I will also try to beat her at a game of dice tonight.

2 light bulbs
1 kitchen Sink
7 herons
1 egale
15 barges
7 little runabout boats
3 parked tows
1 small working tow (actually moving around the harbor)
6 fishermen
9 fishing net buoys

Love to all and to all good night.

Day 32

Another just like yesterday hot hot in the morning followed by hot at lunch, then a little thunderstorm and some lite showers and warmish evening. Not as hot as yesterday but warm. Fortunately we are tucked into a clump on the east side of an island so the shade is even better than yesterday and there is a breeze here. So all is good. I also think we are doing much better at handling the heat, maybe we are more adjusted to it or maybe we just have developed good copping plans. Dianne keeps a wet cloth around her neck and I keep my shirt and hat wet.

At the camp last night just outside of Oselola (hey I never said I could spell) a gentleman came over to visit. He was fishing with his family and they gave us some ice which Dianne added to her drinks and I had some too. It was great I have to admit the generosity of and kindess people will never stop amazing me.

Pasted over the wing dam that holed the canoe the last time down the river. I was not worried with 20 feet of water and being just below flood stage here the wing dams or Dikes are really no problem except for some turbulence.

We are still crossing the channel for short cuts today. Once crossing Di called the barge we could see coming up and told him where we were and asked if we far enough out of his way. He reply was, “Just minute till I see you”. Five minutes later he came back on, “Oh I see you now and you won't bother me there, stick to the bank for a while there is huge barge coming down river behind you all.” We did not see that barge for another hour and had crossed the channel a second time before he put in his appearance. When we did see him we way out of his path. I wonder how many trees floating down river these guys hit. Some of them are much bigger than us.

The scenery today was great with bluffs that must have been at least 200 feet high. We are currently only 20 miles from Memphis and looking forward to an afternoon of R&R tomorrow.

3 trees bigger than than us
2 tires
2 red run away buoys
2 green run away buoys
2 turtles
1 light bulb
3 herons
11 barges moving
1 harbor tow moving empty barge
2 tires (with rim)
1 cooler
1 small runabout boat
2 deer

Love to all and to all good night

Day 22
Comfort Inn Court Square Memphis

Woke to cool misty morning again and had a quick meal of Oatmeal and Corn Bread. The packing is getting so routine that we moving down the river before 8 and it was still quite cool. But that changed to hot quickly. So I kept cool by wetting myself down. We had to cross the channel and did so first thing after the barge coming up river. Di asked him about traffic and he said a barge was about 12 miles upstream from us making about 12 miles an hour. So off we went quick as possible as we could not see him and sure enough we were across in about 15 minutes and the barge caught up to after the next upstream barge passed us about 1 hour later. I think the barges really underestimate our ability to cross the channel and think of us as just a log floating down the river.

Arrived in Memphis and Di tried to hook up with Sharon her sister butt they are come and gone according to messages. Then the harbor patrol came by and pages us to tell us to “call our family” and he had check up blog and knowing when we had last posted. He said some kids came from there the day we posted and made the distance in one day. We have been 2.5 really in getting down here. Those kids are tough to make that distance and they must have strong push to get done to working that hard. What is it with Memphis and me every time I paddle in someone pages me, last time a news station and this time a police boat?

Here we at lunch

Had a snack of fried green tomatoes, fried dill pickles and chicken wings at Miss Polly's and they were delicious. Then did a tour of the Nation Civil Rights Museum which was great. The museum is located where King was shot, but details the whole history of the movement. I did not understand how the pieces fit together. I guess what I mean by that is I knew many of the events but I didn't understand how the tied together though the years and related to each other. I would highly recommend the museum to others.

Well that was the day

5 barges
1 dredge
3 speeding little work boats (including the harbor patrol boat)
1 run away red buoy
1 crane
1 steam shovel unloading barges
1 great Museum

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Posted from Caruthersville MO (next door to Lady Luck)

Day 26
June 29
Picture below of Rivercest Mannor in Cairo

Well the Mississippi greeted us to great day covering more than 32 miles and having just clear skies and very light winds. The only weather thing to complain about is the heat but we kept cool by filling our hats with water and pouring them over us.

Last night after dinner we did a short walking tour of Cairo Historic district and saw the Magnolia Mansion and Rivercraft Mansion and several other old homes in the area. Then back to the Motel and off to sleep. We did take food in the room so we do not know if any mice visited us. What I do know is the trucks as they went down the road still shake the old building and often made me think we in a thunderstorm.

Left Cairo facing a long walk to the river but after 7 blocks stopped at the Mack's Restaurant and we had breakfast. Visited with the local and joked around a lot just as we were leaving Russel offered to drive us down to the canoe. He gave us a short tour of Cairo which was a happening place when he was kid. It is a shame to see a grand old town like that grow old, but is also hard to see yourself age too.

Leaving the Cairo area we had some problems with barge traffic and had to wait for one to turn around and start up the Mississippi. Later heard another barge ask to pass a barge that hard stopped to pick up a pilot. The skipper asked him where he was going in “such a hurry and how fast you moving”/ The answer to drop off some barges in Cairo and I doing about 8 miles per hour.

We followed down the KY side of the river and crossed the channel once to save miles. Crossing back over nothing was coming until we were mid channel and then the downriver barge appreared and the upriver barge at the same time. So did a hurry up and got of the way quickly.

Wing dams are still here and some of them have wicked currents around around them. It is like shooting rapids with waves often 3-4 ft high that we surf down. Clearly the current is stronger given the distance we made today. The river is much higher but campsites appear to easy to find right now I hope it stays that way.

We are just north of Hickman and Dannie has fond memories of a restaurant called Memaws and out plan is to pack up in the morning and paddle across to the town and walk in for breakfast. So that is nes for the day.

Not a lot seen today.
14 barges (only 3 going down river)
2 coast guard boats working on Buoys
8 dry docks
3 two in dry docks
lots of barges tied off
one cabin flooded out
no raindrops

Day 27
Island just south of New Madrid

Woke early and packed quickly and off we went to Hickman just a short paddle and a short hike and we were at Memaw's Restaurant for breakfast of country ham eggs and biscuits and Gravy in all a great success. Then back to the river and lots more work paddling down the river,

It was a hot sunny day so to stay cool we fill our hats with water and pout it over our heads. At the first bend it we were on the inside and made great time then the river did a S-turn and we decided the river was clear enough to turn cross the channel and cut the corner saving a lot of miles. This time no barges showed up and we did save a lot of miles. So we kept moving down the Missouri side of the river. The river became very narrow at a one point and Dianne call a barge to tell them where we were and the guy said, “thanks for the nitrification, you guys have a lot of nerve being out on this water”. Later on the radio we heard another barge say,”those guys ar living dangerously”. To be honest I do not get it yes the river is faster than last time but we do have the rocks on the wing dams to deal with so I feel safer than last time.

The plan was 34 miles to New Madrid where we stayed at the Relax Inn the last time down the river. Alas it is no longer there, at town “beautification” project according to the locals we talked with. We asked the police about camping at the boat ramp the answer was no, upstream a little bit but that was a lot of work. While we debated the plan another trip pulled in canoes and piled out. Turns out they stated at head waters and have been working down steam. They said they had 3 canoes and six people though we only saw two canoes. The parents of one of the boys arrived and had beer so I had one. Visited and reviewed notes about their adventures. Turns out they started in Cairo this morning that means they did in one what we do in 2 days of paddling, Oh to be young again. One of the canoes was not pulled far enough of water at the ramp and swamped washing out gear and stuff. So all that stuff is now spread out over the shore drying in the sunset. Di's map was also victim of the same wash over so they are out drying now.

A really nice guy offered to drive Di and I to dinner and we order take out for us and two extra plates for the other guys and they were scarfed up quickly. Turns out one of the kids did the AT last year and discussed that over dinner. Then Di and I paddled down the river a little and camped for the night. Sorry about the GPS but it stored away as it is late and no time to check right now.

3 herons
1 bald eagle
14 barges (5 down river)
6 run away red buoys
2 run away green
1 bobbing Green buoy (make it hard to know the channel now it is there now it is not)
4 canoeists
4 really nice support people
1 swamped canoe
4 sunburned kids
1 set of spooners
4 fishermen
Day 28 July 1
Happy Canada Day
Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad (61 years with that man how did you do it and that Gas)


Hot Hot Hot today bright blue sky and no shade on the river. We got off to good start this morning but the sun at 1 was beating down on us and there was no way to make next town today so decided to call it a day. We did call ahead and reserve a room for us though and we should make that by Noon tomorrow if we get a good start. I think both Di and I are feeling the heat so it was good decision to stay cool and reduce the output.

Not a lot of other stuff to talk about today. Saw the other trip all three canoes way across the river around 5 when it was the hottest. Kids sure have more energy than we do. Traffic was light and crossed the channel a couple times to save distance without problems. We are camped out on the TN side of the river so shade is really hard to find pitched the tarp and we move to keep in it's shade. Below is what I did during the hot part of the day

Well like I said not a lot happening out here so that the note for today. I would write what I was thinking about but it has to being hot and having a nap during the afternoon so not even great thinking going on in my head.

Here is sunset on the river

6 herons
2 big woodpeckers
6 run away red buoys
3 run away greens
7 barges
2 jumping carp
1 egret
1 tire
1 drum on shore
1 standing tow boat
2 run about boats
5 fishermen
1 crop duster

Good night to all stay cool.

Day 29 July 2

Hot again today but I don't care because after 25 mile found a hotel and took to the AC like ducks to water and loving it.

What to talk about this morning Pancakes for breakfast, I must be getting better at planning the meals as I fixed them faster than Dianne could pack the stuff in the tent including lighting the fire to cook them on. As my filter is working better had extra coffee and that might be the reason why Di paddle fast enough to get to Carutherville before lunch. (I bet it was just a desire to get out to the heat!)

Had a reservation at the Economy Inn but the Country Hearth Inn was closer (cost $30 more) but Dianne figured it was a better place so that is where are hanging our hats. They said there was a Laundry Mat close by but it was washed out during the flooding and has not been fixed yet. So the front desk said they would do it for $8 and said I would gladly pay $10 and that is what we did. I was pleased no work for me. Then had a relaxing lunch and beer at the casino where Dianne lost $2 without thinking and quit.

I then spent an hour mending my panty-hose and patching waterproof bags for electronics with duck tape and hope that will hold. The runs in stocking are starting to annoy me but but it would appear that sand is just grinding away the hose.

9 barges
2 Herons
3 channel crossing
1 good motel
2 dollars down in Casino
too many people in the casino to count
1 washed out wash house